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*************************************************************************** 14th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) New York, USA June 18-20, 2018 http://www.dcoss.org/ ***************************************************************************
** Important Dates **
Poster/Demo submission deadline: March 30, 2018 Notification of acceptance: April 11, 2018 Camera ready abstracts due: April 13, 2018
** Submission **
Abstracts must be submitted through hotcrp at the following link: https://dcoss18posters.hotcrp.com/
** Call for Demos & Posters **
DCOSS 2018 will feature a poster session and a demo session that will provide opportunities for researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to interact with and explore the latest research results. The presentations will provide authors with early feedback on their research work and enable them to exchange ideas with DCOSS participants. Besides presentations in the respective poster and demo sessions, poster presenters and demo presenters will each have the opportunity to present a one-minute rapid oral presentation of their work to attendees.
Posters and demos should present recent original results or ongoing research in all aspects of sensor networks, including algorithms, protocols, systems and applications. All submissions will be reviewed and judged based on originality, technical contribution and, particularly, potential to generate interesting and interactive exchanges of ideas.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following aspects: - Computation and programming models from sensor to cloud - Energy models, minimization, awareness - Sensor data storage, retrieval, and processing - Distributed collaborative information processing - Machine learning techniques for sensor data analytics - Abstractions for modular design - Communication and networking primitives and protocols - Task allocation, reprogramming, and reconfiguration - Sensor network management, diagnosis, and fault tolerance - Security and privacy issues - Approaches, tools, and experience of deployment and operation - Closed-loop control for sensing and actuation - Performance analysis: complexity, correctness, scalability - Mobile and human-centered sensing - Sensing for the Internet of Things - Crowd sensing and social sensing techniques, applications, and systems - Sensing for smart grid systems, green networks, and sustainability
All accepted papers will be included in the symposium proceedings, which will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Accepted posters/demos must be presented at the Conference and at least one author for each poster/demo must be registered for the conference.
** Requirements for Poster & Demo abstracts **
Abstracts are limited to 2 pages and should be prepared using the following template: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html The content should highlight the leading ideas of the on-going research and its expected outcome and impact.
** Poster & Demo organization **
Poster and demo co-chairs: Ulf Kulau (TU Braunschweig, Germany) Damian Lyons (Fordham University, USA) Lars Wolf (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
TPC: Carlo Alberto Boano (TU Graz, Austria) Atis Elsts (University of Bristol, UK) Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales, Australia) Andreas Reinhardt (TU Clausthal, Germany) Christian Rohner (Uppsala University, Sweden) Marco Zimmerling (TU Dresden, Germany)