-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] SIMPLEX 2009 - Simplifying Complex Networks CFP Datum: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 12:45:09 +0100 Von: Andrew Moore andrew.moore@cl.cam.ac.uk An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Call For Papers Simplex 2009
1st Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners
http://www.simplexconf.net 1st July 2009, Venice, Italy
Network Science, sometimes also called "complex networks science", has recently attracted much attention from the scientific community, mainly due to the almost ubiquitous presence of complex networks in real-world systems. Examples of complex networ ks are found in living organisms, in engineering systems, as well as in social networks. Most of the real-world systems have the required degree of complexity to be called "complex systems". Complex may have to do with the intricate dynamics of the interacting components, with the non-trivial properties of the underlying network topology, or with the sheer size of the system itself.
Despite the numerous workshops and conferences related to network science, it is still a set of loosely interacting communities. Those communities would benefit from better interactions. Researchers in network science can be categorized according to the theoretical school from which they come, e.g. statistical physics, game theory, information theory, distributed algorithms. Each school tackles a very particular aspect of complex systems, like statistical interactions between components, or the computation of the equilibrium of a particular system. The assumptions made by each school to apply their theoretical tools makes it very difficult for practitioners to apply their results to practical situations.
Simplex is expected to trigger the communication networks community to propose the topics that should be tackled from the network science perspective, and let the network community explain how to best use their tools for practical problems of communication networks. Two types of contributions are foreseen from prospective authors. The first type would consist of use-cases of theoretical tools and methods to solve practical problems. Such contributions should be as usable as possible by practitioners in the related field. The second type of contributions would come from practitioners that have identified a problem that may be solved by tools from network sciences. The point of such contributions is to make the network sciences community aware of the importance of a high-impact problem, and to suggest means by which the problem may be solved by the network sciences community. Both contributions should stimulate interaction between theoreticians and practitioners, and also have high potential impact in either field.
Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):
- Design of wired/wireless networks - Representing and analyzing dynamic networks - Network robustness to failures and attacks - Mining of large scale networks - Forwarding/routing for opportunistic network - Mobility/connectivity modeling - Anti-spam and Sybil attacks
All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. All submissions must be in English. Submissions should be in PDF format and must not exceed 6 pages. After the workshop, proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag.
Steering Committee Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge, UK Steve Uhlig Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/TU Berlin, Germany Pan Hui Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/TU Berlin, Germany Walter Willinger ATT research, USA
PC Co-chairs Steve Uhlig T-labs/TU Berlin, Germany Pan Hui T-labs/TU Berlin, Germany
Web Co-chairs Fehmi Ben Abdesslem University of St Andrews, UK Nishanth Sastry University of Cambridge, UK
TPC members Alain Barrat University of Marseille, France Marian Boguna University of Barcelona, Spain Stefan Bornholdt University of Bremen, Germany Paul Bourgine Ecole Polytechnique, France Augustin Chaintreau Thomson research lab, France Mark Crovella Boston University, USA Nathan Eagle MIT/Santa Fe Institute, USA Damien Fey McGill University, Canada Marta Gonzalez Northeastern University, USA Pan Hui T-labs/TU Berlin, Germany Almerima Jamakovic TNO ICT, Netherlands Hawoong Jeong KAIST, Korea Dimitri Krioukov CAIDA, USA Matthieu Latapy UPMC/LIP6, France Vito Latora University of Catania, Italy Shishir Nagaraja UIUC, USA Clemence Magnien UPMC/LIP6, France Jose Mendes University of Aveiro, Portugal Richard Mortier Vipadia Ltd., UK Raul Mondragon University of London, UK Andrew Moore University of Cambridge, UK Nadine Peyrieras INAF-CNRS, France Michael Rabbat McGill University, Canada Nishanth Sastry University of Cambridge, UK Georgios Smaragdakis Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany Steve Uhlig T-labs/TU Berlin, Germany Walter Willinger AT&T research, USA Shi Zhou University College London, UK
Deadlines Paper submission: April 30, 2009 Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2009 Registration deadline: June 10, 2009 Workshop: July 1, 2009
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