
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) is the
flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Vehicular
Technology Society since 1950, and has been held twice a
year since 1999. The objectives of the conference are to
bring together researchers and practitioners in the fields
of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology. It
constitutes an established and dynamic forum for the
exchange of information on the latest developments in the
above-mentioned fields from both fundamental and practical
standpoints. As such, the conference is characterized by
healthy and global representations from both industry and

VTC 2012 Fall will be held in Quebec City from September 3
to 6, 2012. The conference venue is the Quebec City
Convention Center. Located in the heart of Québec City,
the Convention Centre is a modern, state-of-the-art
facility offering impeccable amenities, a warm atmosphere,
a delectable dining experience, and a whole lot more. In
2003, it was ranked among the 3 best convention centers in
the world by the prestigious International Association of
Congress Centres. Abundant accommodations are available
for various budgets within walking distance of the
convention center, as well as the highest concentration of
restaurants in North America. Furthermore, many of the
historical landmarks and attractions of Quebec City,
declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985, are also
within walking distance.

The technical program committee invites the submission of
original, unpublished technical papers, tutorials and
workshops in the areas of, but not limited to:
1. Ad-Hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
2. Antennas and Propagation
3. Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sensing
4. Cooperative Communications, Distributed MIMO and Relaying
5. MIMO and Space-Time-Frequency Processing
6. Mobile Satellite and Positioning Systems
7. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
8. Transmission Techniques
9. Transportation, Vehicular Electronics and Telematics
10. Wireless Applications and Services
11. Wireless Multiple Access Techniques
12. Wireless Networks

Prospective authors are invited to submit a 5-page full
paper through the conference website. 

Furthermore, the program will feature a Recent Results
track to showcase results recently obtained in industry or
academia (extended abstract submission allowed in this

Important Dates:

Full paper (5 pages) submission due: 19 January 2012
Notification of acceptance: 14 April 2012
Camera-ready paper due: 11 June 2012

General Chairs

Sébastien Roy, Université Laval, Canada
André Morin, Lyrtech Inc., Canada

Technical Program Chairs

Jean-Yves Chouinard, Université Laval, Canada
Fabrice Labeau, McGill University, Canada
Alex Stéphenne, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Canada

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