[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]
Call for Workshop Proposals
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Tentatively planned for September 2011
Important Dates
Proposal submission deadline: Feb 18th, 2011
Notification of acceptance: Feb 25th, 2011
ACM MobiCom is the premier international conference dedicated to addressing emerging in mobile, wireless and ad hoc networking and computing. ACM MobiCom 2011 will hold multiple one or half day workshops on Monday or Friday of the conference week in Las Vegas, NV, co-located with the main conference.
We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic related to mobile communications and wireless networking before February 18, 2011 to the Workshop Chairs. The ideal workshop proposal should focus on a specific area, be of current interest, and be able to attract a number of high-quality submissions. Proposals on emerging topics guaranteed to generate significant interest in the community will be selected. MobiCom 2011 will likely feature a mix of some returning and some new workshops.
A workshop proposal should be no more than 3 pages, containing at least:
* A draft call for papers (as complete as possible)
* The workshop deadlines (internal and external)
* Names and affiliations of main organizers and tentative
composition of the committees
* Motivation and rationale for the workshop
* Expected number of submissions and participants
* Prior history of this workshop, if any
(including # submissions, # accepted papers and # attendees)
If the workshop was previously co-located with another conference please indicate so clearly.
Email proposals in PDF (ONLY) to both workshop chairs, including "MobiCom 2011 Workshops" in the subject line.
Important workshop dates:
Workshop proposals due: 5PM EST, Friday Feb 18, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: Friday Feb 25, 2011
Workshop Final Call for Papers due: Friday Mar 4, 2011
We look forward to your submissions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about submitting a proposal.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Aditya Akella , University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (akella@cs.wisc.edu<mailto:akella@cs.wisc.edu>)
Kuang-Ching Wang, Clemson University, USA (kwang@clemson.edu<mailto:kwang@clemson.edu>)
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
(TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication.