-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Med Hoc Net 2014 Datum: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:22:31 +0100 Von: Andreas Kassler andreas.kassler@KAU.SE Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE Organisation: Karlstad University An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
I apologize in case of cross-posting. ============================================================ The 13th IEEE/IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
Location: Piran, Slovenia, the pearl of the Slovenian Mediterranean, one of the most beautiful and of the oldest towns of Slovenia.
Important Dates
Papers Due: March 3, 2014 Notification of Acceptance: April 7, 2014 Camera-Ready Version due: May 4, 2014 Conference Dates: June 2-4, 2014
MED-HOC-NET 2014 focuses on all the ramifications of ad hoc networking research, not only the classic topics of location management, security/privacy, topology optimization/control schemes and resource allocation, but also paying attention to novel emerging areas such as green networking, safety/surveillance, underwater communications, and coexistence among heterogeneous devices.
Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Submissions are limited to 8 pages in length in Two-Column Format, including references, figures and tables. Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically through the EDAS web site. Accepted and presented papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE in IEEEXplore.
The Workshop is endorsed by the IEEE Communication Society and its Technical Committees for Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks, Information Infrastructure & Networking, and Radio Communication, and by IFIP.
For more information: http://netlab.cs.ucla.edu/medhocnet2014