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The 1st IFIP TC6 WG6.6
Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2004)
Autonomic Communication Principles
18-19 October 2004 in Berlin, Germany
Call For Papers
The purpose of this workshop is to present and to discuss the principles
of Autonomic Communication (AC) - a new communication paradigm to assist
the design of the Next Generation Networks (NGN). This workshop explicitly
focuses on the grounding principles to achieve purposeful behavior on
top of self-organization (self-management, self-healing, self-awareness, etc.).
Papers are solicited that study network element's autonomic behavior
exposed by innovative (cross-layer optimized, context-aware, and securely
programmable) protocol stack in its interaction with numerous often-dynamic
network groups and communities. The goals are to understand how autonomic
behaviors are learned, influenced or changed, and how, in turn,
these affect other elements, groups and the network.
The self-organized Internet will be able to sense its environment, to perceive
these changes and to understand the meaning of these changes, thus
facilitating new ways to perform network control, management, middle box
communication, service creation, etc. This will be based on universal and
fine-grained multiplexing of numerous policies, rules and events which are
done autonomously but facilitate desired behavior of groups of network elements.
Though the primary application domain is the Internet, papers addressing
autonomic communication principles for mission critical distributed systems
are also welcome.
The emphasis of the event is on long-term research agenda with broad
interdisciplinary approach to explore concurrently multiple paradigm spaces.
Along with invited papers and a panel the conference will offer possibility
for technical papers and position statements.
Papers are solicited on at least the following topics:
* Policy-based communication and policy multiplexing in NGN
* Group communication for control and management plane
* Designing evolvable next generation networks
* Self-organisation for NGN re-configurability
* Management of nomadicity
* Large AC testbeds
* AC calculi
* Modelling and analysis of AC systems
* Theoretical foundations of autonomic network control
* Mobile code and network programmability for AC
* Generic network-level service composition at run-time
* Context handling within AC
* Theoretical foundations of rule-based systems;
* Security, immunity and resilience of AC
* Applied AC (QoS, traffic engineering, routing, etc.);
WAC 2004 is technically co-sponsored by IFIP TC6 WG6.6 and will be organized
by the FP6 project "Autonomic Communication: Coordination Action" of Future
and Emerging Technologies program of the IST.
Communication Paradigms for 2020
IST Program Future and Emerging Technologies plans to launch a long-term
research (proactive initiative) in the area of novel communication paradigms;
it will address high-level visionary and risky research of fundamental nature
and shall explore its limits and opportunities in increasingly important
areas of economical and social development in Europe. Autonomic Communication
addresses these challenges from a network-centric technological viewpoint to
enable true ambient intelligence and I-centric communication scenarios.
Information for Authors
Submissions will be subject to at least three peer reviews and should describe
original work (not submitted or published elsewhere) and be 12 single-spaced
pages or less in length. Submissions should include: title, authors,
affiliations, 100-word abstract, and list of keywords. The author responsible
for correspondence should be identified, including the author's name, position,
mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Authors are
requested to follow the LNCS's guidelines. One of the authors of each
accepted paper must present the paper at WAC '2004.
Address for Submissions
Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically in PDF, or
in Postscript formats to the following address:
Workshop proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg in
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and distributed after the event.
General Information
Visit: www.autonomic-communication.org/wac/
Mail to: wac@autonomic-communication.org (Fax: +49-30-3463 8000)
Authors' guidelines: www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Important Deadlines
Submissions of papers 14.JULY.04
Acceptance notification 10.SEPTEMBER.04
WAC proceedings participants copy 24.SEPTEMBER.04
LNCS Proceedings copy 06.NOVEMBER.04
WAC 2004 Committee
General workshop Chair:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Popescu-Zeletin, FOKUS, Germany
Programme Committee:
M. Smirnov, FOKUS -Chair
E. Biersack, Eurecom. France
R. Boutaba, Waterloo, Canada
F. Bindel, T-Com, Germany
A. Campbell, Columbia, USA
L. Chapin, ACM, USA
C. Diot, INTEL, UK
S. Dobson, TCD, Ireland
S. Denazis, Hitachi, France
H. Einsiedler, DTAG, Germany
K. Fall, Berkeley U., USA
J. Farserothu, CSEM, Switzerland
S. Fdida, UPMC, France
A. Fradkov, IPME, Russia
G. Haring, UWien, Austria
D. Hutchison, ULanc, UK
G. Karlsson, KTH, Sweden
O. Koufopavlou, U.Patras, Greece
G. Leduc, ULG, Belgium
J. Liebeherr, Uvirginia, USA
I. Matta, UBoston, USA
R. Morris, MIT, USA
P. Nixon, U.Strath., UK
B. Plattner, ETHZ, Switzerland
G. Pujolle, UPMC, France
A. Seneviratne, UNSW, Australia
I. Schieferdecker, TUB, Germany
F. Sestini, FET, CEC
O. Spaniol, U. Aachen, Germany
I. Stavrakakis, UOA, Greece
R. Sterritt, Ulster Uni, N. Ireland
R. Tafazolli, Surrey U., UK
C. Tschudin, Uni Basel, Switzerland
J. Vicente, Intel, USA
L. Wolf, U. Braunschweig, Germany
L. Yamamoto, Hitachi, France
M. Zitterbart, U.Karlsruhe, Germany
Organized by:
FP6 project ACCA
Technically sponsored by:
International Federation for Information Processing: TC Communication Systems
WG6.6 "Management of Networks and Distributed Systems"
Sponsored (so far) by: FP6 IST FET and Fraunhofer FOKUS
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