-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: New IEEE Journal - Open for Submissions Datum: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 10:51:08 -0400 (EDT) Von: Transactions on Control of Network Systems tcns@bu.edu Antwort an: tcns@bu.edu An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
CC_pacemaker TCNS with IEEE logo
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to announce the launch of a new journal: the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS). TCNS is sponsored by five IEEE societies (control systems, circuit and systems, communications, computer, and robotics & automation).
TCNS will publish high-quality papers on systems with interconnected components. The journal is primarily interested in problems related to the control of network systems but is also open to contributions concerning their design, study, engineering, optimization, and emerging behavior as these can inform and guide design and control. The Transactions invites rigorous methodological/theory papers on network systems and application papers that have a significant degree of modeling or methodological novelty in some application area of network systems. Application areas are many, spanning engineered systems, social science, economics, and biological systems. Please visit the TCNS website. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001d6NHdZkKPgr27LMKkJrBp51mgjigJG4EWoYs_iZjR-a4etAUKuQnFnyp6L-B2tahlHnqZTh_rhRV_UYEUlj3jLhmeNNoyJLS5k4CwkFyKlt0kbyYjExXlf9p5YyVLFaV
The submission site is now open. Please follow this link to submit your papers. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001d6NHdZkKPgqDDpfj7wZjHclZoA-EsW99p-6UdtSf6FSn00LEDpyRFlcGhCx0z9QBfz-opQ6RXNZYyx9LOYgcZFmIN_HS0xzHn5inLqk6EbOCkV9T6-QfPBRlKQYRDgN6TnTiidovsO4Y3dmgCAwF47bKwocz_MiD4sHxoamoZpg=September 20, 2013 is the deadline for submissions to be considered for the inaugural issue (to be published in March-April 2014). All submissions will undergo regular review.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to asymposium on "Control of Networks Systems" which will take place in Boston during March 2014. Details will be announced on the journal web site. This event will mark the launch of the journal and we hope it will contribute towards coalescing a community around TCNS.
Please consider submitting your work to the journal and feel free to spread the word to your colleagues and collaborators. Attached is a poster with information http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001d6NHdZkKPgoDACbJ7YVjNPWN5w-XZSGQAgGsjTMygXKr9icVb8Gmy0z7y6NF3_eC5RCP_tVt1Wcep2XUACImnL19wJPqbOY1a1rSCXWJ0-KH7eJxl2XveOmDFf7llVavizP1gqIIjL7I0ZuY2yT4-Iy7hQv2H0L3RCXvCL99aaNTJzUDoy0tVAPq5HixVGWkuluJ3hV68N8=about the TCNS editors for you to circulate and post.
With best regards, Yannis Paschalidis, Editor-in-Chief Magnus Egerstedt, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
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