[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: HPSR 2007 (Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing)]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: HPSR 2007 (Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing) Datum: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 13:43:41 -0500 Von: Kang Xi kang@poly.edu An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
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2007 Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2007)
Technically Endorsed by IEEE Technical Committee of Communications & Information Security, Communications Software, Communication Switching and Routing, Computer Communications, High-Speed Networking, Optical Networking
Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY, USA May 30 - June 1, 2007
As more and more voice, audio, video, TV, and gaming traffic is carried over IP, the Internet traffic continues to grow at a rapid pace. Many network-related applications are emerging for portable devices as smart cellular phone technology advances, the price decreases, and the infrastructure to support wireless applications (voice, data, video) is being deployed ubiquitously to meet unprecedented demands from users. All of these fast-growing services translate into the high volume of Internet traffic, stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements, large number of hosts/devices to be supported, large forwarding tables to support, and high packet processing and storage capability. These factors create new specifications for the packet switches and the routers, and new challenges to the equipment vendors and network providers when designing/operating next generation switches and routers.
The scope of the High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) Workshop is focused on the technology of high-speed switches and routers, including architectural and algorithmic aspects of high-speed IP networks, possibly adopting optical technologies and wireless user access. This workshop will solicit original contributions which address the key networking technologies and issues in the years ahead. HPSR 2007 will comprise of technical sessions for presentation of novel research results, panel sessions for discussion of hot topics, and tutorials presented by leading international experts.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * High Performance Switches and Routers - Route Lookup - Scalable Fault Tolerant Switch Fabrics - Packet Classification - Optical Packet Switching - System Development - Impact of Higher Layer Protocols and Services - Implementations - Security-Enabled Routers * Routing Protocols * High-Speed Network Security * IP over Optical Networks * Traffic Engineering and Control * P2P Networks * Multiprocessor Architecture and Switching * Network Metering/Monitoring * Performance Evaluation and Measurement * Switching and Routing in Wireless Networks * Pricing, Accounting, and Charging * High-speed Packet Processors * Networks for Grid Computing * Quality of Service Control * Switching for Storage Area Networks * Network Measurement * WDM Switching and Routing * MPLS and GMPLS * Protection and Fast Recovery * Access Networks * Network Management and Operations
Paper Submission Guidelines ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors are invited to submit original papers. Submitted papers must be unpublished, and must not be currently under review by another journal or conference. All submitted papers will be refereed for quality, correctness, originality and relevance. Paper length should be up to 6 pages in two-column IEEE Transactions style, 10pt. Accepted papers that are longer than 6 pages will be charged with an over-length fee of $100 per page for the 7th and 8th pages. No paper may exceed a maximum of 2 over-length pages. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files through the EDAS system (http://edas.info/).
All submitted papers will be subject to three peer reviews by Technical Program Committee members and other experts in the field, and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. We encourage submission of high-quality papers reporting original work in both theoretical and experimental research areas.
Proposals are solicited for tutorials. Please contact the Tutorial Chair (roberto.rojas-cessa at njit.edu) for further information.
Workshop Committee ----------------------------------------------------------------------- General Chair: H. Jonathan Chao Polytechnic University, NY, USA TPC co-Chairs: Nirwan Ansari NJIT, NJ, USA Achille Pattavina Politecnico di Milano, Italy Naoaki Yamanaka Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Organizing Chair: Shivendra Panwar Polytechnic University, NY, USA Registration Chair: Yihan Li Polytechnic University, NY, USA Tutorial Chair: Roberto Rojas-Cessa NJIT, NJ, USA Publications/Web Chair: Yong Liu Polytechnic University, NY, USA Publicity Chair: Kang Xi Polytechnic University, NY, USA
Important dates ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Full paper December 20, 2006 Notification of acceptance March 1, 2007 Final camera-ready manuscripts April 1, 2007 Tutorial Submission December 20, 2006
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf