[Fwd: [TCCC] ICCCN2003 CFP]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [TCCC] ICCCN2003 CFP Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 16:37:53 -0500 From: Luiz A. DaSilva ldasilva@vt.edu Organization: Virginia Tech To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
(* Please accept our apologies if you receive this more than once *)
TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS (IC3N'03) October 20 - 22, 2003 DoubleTree Lincoln Centre 5410 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75240,USA Website: http://icccn.sice.umkc.edu
Sponsored* by IEEE Communications Society Army Research Lab., IBM, Avaya Labs, NOKIA, Nortel, Telcordia, Univ. of Texas-Dallas (*pending approval of sponsorships)
ICCCN is a major international conference to present original and fundamental advances in the field of Computer Communications and Networks. It also serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in
improving Computer Communications and Networks.
SCOPE: The primary focus of the conference is on new and original research results in the areas of design, implementation and applications of Computer Communications and Networks. We invite you to submit papers that address novel, challenging, and innovative results. The topics include, but are not limited to:
Communication Software Software Architecture eCommerce Voice over LAN, IP, and/or ATM Internet Services/Applications Security/Reliability/Dependability Protocols Network Interoperability Network Control and Management Multicasting Intelligent Networks Streaming Networks Data Traffic Engineering Performance Network Pricing and Billing Video-on-Demand Networked Databases Network Architectures Optical Communication Networks Terabit Optical Technologies Wireless/Mobile/Satellite Networks Wireless Multimedia Applications Cable Broadband Technologies DSL Technologies Mobile and Pervasive Computing Network Processors Multimedia Communication over Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) Converged Networks
SUBMISSION: Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers. Papers to be
submitted should not have been previously published in another forum, and should not be currently under review by another journal or conference. All submitted papers will be refereed for quality, correctness, originality and relevance. The program committee reserves the right to accept a paper as a long or short presentation. Of particular interest are papers that address experiences with concrete computer communications/networks and applications. An accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors at the conference venue. These accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE Press. All manuscripts must include an abstract and be limited to about 5000 words total (which is about 6 pages with font size 10 in standard IEEE camera ready format). For the paper review process, a single space/single column format is encouraged. Submissions also must include the title, author(s) and affiliation, e-mail address, fax/phone numbers and postal address. In case of multiple authors, indicate which author is responsible for correspondence and preparing the camera ready paper for the proceedings. Electronic submission is strongly encouraged (ps or pdf format is preferred). Manuscripts should be submitted by Friday, April 18, 2003 to ICCCN2003 website (paper submission website is open/ready to accept papers !!).
Please contact program co-chairs with any questions:
Ronald P. Luijten IBM Research Zurich Saumerstrasse 4 CH8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland lui@zurich.ibm.com +41-1-724-8111 (voice) +41-1-724-8955 (fax)
Prof. Luiz DaSilva Dept of Electrical & Computer Eng. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 206 N Washington St. Suite 400, Alexandria, VA, 22314 ldasilva@vt.edu +1-703-535-3466 (voice) +1-703-518-8085 (fax)
IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission deadline : April 18, 2003 Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2003 Camera ready papers due: August 1, 2003
TUTORIALS: Proposals are solicited for tutorials. Please email your proposals in ASCII format by May 31, 2003 to one of the Program Chairs above.
STUDENT FORUM: We encourage submissions from students. Some travel assistance will be available for students with top quality papers.
WEBSITE: Please visit the ICCCN2003 web site http://icccn.sice.umkc.edu for more up-to-date information. Paper submissions are being accepted at this website.
General co-chairs: Dr. Eric Wong (ewong@utdallas.edu) and Dr. Russell Hsing (trh@research.telcordia.com)
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu http://lists.cs.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf