[Fwd: [Tccc] ICNP 2007 - Call for Posters (Deadline Sept 7. 2007)]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] ICNP 2007 - Call for Posters (Deadline Sept 7. 2007) Datum: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 13:56:24 -0400 Von: Jorg Liebeherr jorg@comm.utoronto.ca An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
---------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR POSTERS ICNP 2007 15th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols Beijing, CHINA, October 16-19, 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------
The ICNP 2007 conference will have a student poster session to showcase "work-in-progress". The poster session will provide a great chance for students to obtain feedback on ongoing research from knowledgeable conference attendees. The primary contribution (first author) must be from one or more students. Posters will be reviewed by members of the Poster Session Committee. At the con- ference, student posters must be presented by a student. Posters submitted to this call for papers should not be abbreviations of published papers.
Important Dates
Electronic submission address: icnp07posters@gmail.com Submission deadline: SEPTEMBER 7, 2007, 17:00 EDT (Hard deadline) Notification of decisions: SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 Final version of abstracts and posters: SEPTEMBER 21, 2007 (only 1 week after notification)
What to submit: You need to submit a two-page abstract (font at least 11pt) describing the work. The abstract should identify the key contribution of the work being presented in the poster. In addition, it should describe the particular problem being ad- dressed, what makes this problem interesting or important, and what your approach is to the problem. Preference will be given to new and exciting problems as opposed to thorough but incremental pieces of work. We recommend that you use the ACM conference style for preparing your abstract. Include the title, authors, institutional affiliations, status (student, faculty, and so on) of each author and an email address of the contact author. In the final version of the abstract, you should also include a URL that will provide additional information about your work to the atten- dees.
Your abstract should not exceed the page limit and the font size; non-conforming submissions will not be considered for re- view. Please remember that the abstract should be in PDF format. Word documents will not be accepted. Registration: At least one person must be registered for the conference to present the poster.
Accepted posters will be published in IEEE Xplore as part of the conference proceedings of ICNP 2007.
Accepted poster authors will have a chance to revise their ab- stract prior to printing. For the posters, we will provide poster board and equipment for mounting the posters.
What the final poster should be like:
We define a poster to be 12 pages 8.5in x11in (letter size) on which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. Alternatively you can use the space as a continu- um. You can arrange the space and orient the poster either hori- zontally or vertically. You should prepare the best material (vi- sually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and im- portant about your work.
Posters Review Committee (tentative)
Jorg Liebeherr, U Toronto (Chair) Kevin Almeroth, UC Santa Barbara Michalis Faloutsos, UC Riverside
For questions: Email icnp07posters@gmail.com or jorg at comm.utoronto.ca
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf