[EW2008] CfP: European Wireless 2008 - Prague (EW2008) (fwd)
------------ Forwarded Message ------------ Date: 4. Dezember 2007 11:32:20 -0500 From: ew2008@ew2008.org To: Oliver Wellnitz wellnitz@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Subject: [EW2008] CfP: European Wireless 2008 - Prague (EW2008)
******************************************** * Call for Papers * * EUROPEAN WIRELESS CONFERENCE (EW2008), * * 22-25 June 2008, Prague, Czech Republic * * * * http://www.ew2008.org * ********************************************
Authors are encouraged to submit original, high quality research papers addressing the below stated areas. All papers will be peer reviewed for its originality, scientific contribution and technical content. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore database.
Important dates
* paper submission 19 January 2008 * tutorial proposal 19 January 2008 * paper acceptance notification 5 April 2008 * tutorial acceptance notification 5 April 2008 * final paper version 3 May 2008
Tutorial submission instructions Send the outline of the tutorial to ew2008-tutorial@ew2008.org.
Paper submission instructions Please use the EDAS (http://edas.info/) system for submission.
Conference topics: 1) Transmission Techniques and Signal Processing
Modulation and Coding for Wireless Communications Signal Processing for Wireless Communications Synchronization, Channel Estimation, Equalization Iterative Detection and Processing MIMO Systems, Space-Time Coding, Diversity Fundamental Limits, Information Theory Multiple Access Schemes, Multiuser Detection Algorithms Interference Mitigation and Management Techniques Network Coding and Cooperative Diversity and Processing Adaptive Systems OFDM and OFDMA
2) Radio Channel and RF Subsystem
Radio Channel Measurements Radio Channel Modeling Antenna Issues in Wireless Communications Smart Antennas and MIMO systems Compact Antennas for Mobile Terminals Modeling and Mitigation of RF System Imperfections
3) Radio Network Aspects
Ad-hoc Wireless Networks Transport Layer Issues in Mobile and Wireless Networks Protocols and Architecture for Wireless Networks Radio Resource Management Mobility Management and Billing Technologies QoS and Resource Allocation in Mobile Networks Security and Robustness in Wireless Networks Mobile/Wireless Networks Modeling and Simulation
4) Radio Communication Systems and Technology
Ultra-Wideband Communications Software Radio & Re-configurability, Cognitive Radio Cross-layer Design in Mobile and Wireless Networks Power Management for Small Terminals 2G - 3G - 4G Migration, Convergence and Interworking WiFi, WiMAX, 3GPP LTE Wireless LAN/PAN/BAN Location-based Services and Positioning High Altitude Platforms and Satellites Wireless Broadband Mobile Access
Paper preparation All submitted papers must be original, not previously published or being under consideration for publication in another conference or journal. The paper must clearly exhibit its originality, scientific contribution and technical content. The paper must be written in English language. Only full papers are accepted for submission. The paper length is 5 printed pages (maximum 7 printed pages). The paper must be in PDF Xplore compatible format only.
Executive Committee Alister Burr (University of York, United Kingdom) Luis Correia (IST Lisbon, Portugal) Alain Sibille (ENSTA Paris, France) Bernhard Walke (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
--- Conference General Chair Jan Sykora (CTU in Prague, Czech Republic) Jan.Sykora@fel.cvut.cz
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participants (1)
Oliver Wellnitz