Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CALL FOR PAPERS] Feature Topic in IEEE Communications Magazine, "Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing for Heterogeneous IoT"

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CALL FOR PAPERS] Feature Topic in IEEE Communications Magazine, "Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing for Heterogeneous IoT" Datum: Sun, 8 Oct 2017 22:32:50 -0400 Von: Yuan Wu iewuy@ZJUT.EDU.CN Antwort an: Yuan Wu iewuy@ZJUT.EDU.CN An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Dear All,
Please find below a call for papers for IEEE Communications Magazine, Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
--------------- CALL FOR PAPERS: Feature Topics in IEEE Communications Magazine, "Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing for Heterogeneous IoT"
This CFP can be seen at the website of IEEE Communications Magazine at http://www.comsoc.org/commag/cfp/multi-access-mobile-edge-computing-heteroge...
The THEME: --------------- The convergence of mobile internet and wireless systems have witnessed an explosive growth in resource-hungry and computation-intensive services and applications, which cover broad paradigms of so-called heterogeneous Internet of Things (H-IoTs). These systems include real-time video/audio surveillance, remote e-health systems, intelligent transportation systems, and Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and etc. Mobile edge computing, by placing various cloud resources (e.g., computational and storage resources) closer to smart devices/objects, has been envisioned as an enabling and highly promising technology to realize and reap the promising benefits of H-IoTs applications. However, the growing demands for ultra-low latency, massive connectivity, and high reliability of the large number of H-IoTs applications has yielded a critical issue in mobile edge computing, i.e. the limited connections (such as connection capacity, bandwidth, or the number of simultaneously affordable connections) between mobile edge cloud and smart devices/objects. Multi-access mobile edge computing (MA-MEC), which actively exploits a systematic and adaptive integration of recent radio access technologies including 5G, LTE, and Wi-Fi to enhance the access capacity of smart devices to mobile edge platforms, has been considered as a highly promising technology to tackle this issue. The evolution towards the architecture of ultra-dense small-cells in future radio access networks facilitates the MA-MEC, i.e., the densely deployed small cells can significantly improve the capacity and quality of the connections between smart devices and mobile edge cloud. Therefore, with the strength of multi-access for capacity-enhancement, the MA-MEC is expected to bring a variety of benefits, such as i) ultra-low latency between smart devices and edge cloud for real-time, interactive, and mission-critical applications, e.g., the real-time indoor navigation and augmented virtual-reality, ii) privacy and security in local communications to access mobile edge! cloud, and iii) big data analytics at the point of capture for IoT applications.
However, the success of MA-MEC still requires tackling many new challenges. For instance, to efficiently exploit computation and storage resources at mobile edge nodes, a joint optimization of placement of computation/storage resource and cell-association with radio resource allocation is necessitated. Such joint optimization should be adaptive according to time-varying environments, e.g., the varying wireless channel states when users move across the cells and the dynamic computation/storage resource utilizations. Therefore, this Feature Topic (FT) aims at soliciting high quality and unpublished work regarding recent advances in MA-MEC, with the main focus on addressing the fundamental design issues in MA-MEC, and the emerging paradigms and testbeds that use MA-MEC.
TOPICS: --------------- This Feature Topic aims at soliciting high quality and unpublished work regarding recent advances in MA-MEC, with the main focus on addressing the fundamental design issues in MA-MEC, and the emerging paradigms and testbeds that use MA-MEC. We solicit papers covering the topics of interests in the following two main categories: * Fundamental design issues in MA-MEC - Radio resource management for MA-MEC - Task scheduling and computation resource management for MA-MEC - Virtualization and network slicing for MA-MEC - Location and sizing of computation and storage elements for MA-MEC - Communication protocols and network architectures for MA-MEC - Security, privacy, and reliability in MA-MEC - QoE and QoS provisioning in MA-MEC - 5G/LTE/WiFi enabled MA-MEC - Energy management and green MA-MEC - Edge-to-cloud integration and protocols for MA-MEC - Human and social-driven design of MA-MEC * MA-MEC for Heterogeneous IoT - MA-MEC for smart cities - MA-MEC for video/audio surveillance - MA-MEC for industrial IoT - MA-MEC for smart energy systems - MA-MEC for smart healthcare - MA-MEC for intelligent transportation systems - MA-MEC for big data analytics
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION: --------------- Articles should be tutorial in nature, with the intended audience being all members of the communications technology community. They should be written in a tutorial style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. Mathematical equations should not be used (in justified cases up to three simple equations are allowed). Articles should not exceed 4500 words (from introduction through conclusions, excluding figures, tables and captions). Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six. The number of archival references is recommended not to exceed 15. In some rare cases, more mathematical equations, figures, and tables may be allowed, if well-justified. In general, however, mathematics should be avoided; instead, references to papers containing the relevant mathematics should be provided. Complete guidelines for preparation of the manuscripts are posted at http://www.comsoc.org/commag/paper-submission-guidelines. Please submit a PDF (preferred) or MSWORD formatted paper via Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/commag-ieee). Register or log in, and go to Author Center. Follow the instructions there. Select "July 2018 / Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing for Heterogeneous IoT" as the Feature Topic category for your submission.
TIME TABLE: --------------- * Manuscript Submissions Deadline: November 1, 2017 * Decision Notification: March 1, 2018 * Final Manuscripts Due: April 15, 2018 * Publication Date: July 2018
GUEST EDITORS: --------------- Yan Zhang (Leading Guest Editor) University of Oslo, Norway Email: yanzhang@ieee.org
Yuan Wu Zhejiang University of Technology, China Email: iewuy@zjut.edu.cn
Hassnaa Moustafa Intel Corporation, USA Email: hassnaa.moustafa@intel.com
Danny H.K. Tsang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Email: eetsang@ust.hk
Alberto Leon-Garcia University of Toronto, Canada Email: alberto.leongarcia@utoronto.ca
Usman Javaid Vodafone, UK Email: usman.javaid@vodafone.com
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf