Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IFIP IoT Conference 2021: deadline extension (July 1st)

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: "s.bayhan@utwente.nl" 00000239986a8351-dmarc-request@COMSOC-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG Gesendet: 15. Juni 2021 17:57:53 MESZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IFIP IoT Conference 2021: deadline extension (July 1st)
Please accept my apologies if you receive this CFP multiple times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT) Conference 4 – 5 November 2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands* http://ifip-iotconference.org/ For paper submissions, go to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifipiot2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates Paper submission date: July 1st, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT) Conference is the annual event of IFIP totally dedicated to IoT research, innovations and applications. The third conference in the series continues to put emphasis on the multidisciplinary nature of the IoT world. IoT covers a wide range of topics, from communication network protocols and embedded systems to data analytics and machine learning algorithms, having the objective of enabling a vast array of services in areas like e-health, mobility, energy, manufacturing, and agriculture, just to cite a few examples. IoT deployment needs also to take into consideration the security, privacy and social aspects of networking, which need to be fully investigated to ensure real added value for IoT users.
The IFIP IoT Conference addresses this wide variety of topics. Papers are sought to show technical advancements, research on major questions, innovation, pilot site results and policy issues. Perspectives might be from the people and organizations involved, like researchers, users, user organizations, ICT industry, authorities and regulators.
Main topics of interest (non-exhaustive list)
* IoT networks * IoT architectures * IoT devices * IoT low power design * IoT standards * Pilot site results * Artificial Intelligence in IoT * IoT edge, fog and cloud architectures * Distributed ledger technologies for IoT * Interoperability of IoT deployments * Education, training, awareness * End-user development * Context-dependent applications * Environmental issues * Organizational and collaborative structures * Risks, privacy, security, and resilience issues * Impact on persons and society * Novel applications and business models * Professionalism/duty of care * Legal and ethical issues
Submissions and submission guidelines We solicit submissions of full papers and poster presentations. Proposals for special sessions can be submitted via the special form on the conference website. Submitted full papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted to another conference or journal for consideration. Poster presentations will have to be student papers.
Accepted submissions will be presented at the conference and included in the post-conference edited book published in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT) series by Springer Nature. Authors can choose to publish their paper as an open access paper, for details contact Leon Strous (strous@iae.nlmailto:strous@iae.nl).
Proceedings will be submitted for indexing in SCOPUS and Web of Science. Previous editions are already indexed in SCOPUS. Selected papers will be eligible for a special issue in the Springer Nature Computer Science (SNCS) journal (https://www.springer.com/journal/42979)
All papers must be written in English. Full papers should be at most 18 pages long in total including references and appendices. The paper should be intelligible without having to read the appendices. Poster presentations should be at most 4 pages. Submissions should not be anonymized. Authors must follow the Springer formatting instructions for the IFIP AICT series. Please see http://ifip-iotconference.org/cfp.html for more details. https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/conference-proceedings/conference-proceedings-guidelines
https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/conference-proceedings/conference-proceedings-guidelinesEach paper will receive at least 3 reviews. At least one author of each accepted paper must register by the early registration date and present the paper. Poster presentations will have to be presented by the student(s).
For paper submissions, go to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifipiot2021
For more information visit the conference website http://ifip-iotconference.org/ http://ifip-iotconference.org/ or contact Leon Strous (strous@iae.nlmailto:strous@iae.nl), Srinivas Katkoori (katkoori@usf.edumailto:katkoori@usf.edu) or Luis Camarinha-Matos (cam@uninova.ptmailto:cam@uninova.pt)
General Chairs Leon Strous, The Netherlands Geert Heijenk, The Netherlands
Program Chairs Srinivas Katkoori, USA Luis Camarinha-Matos, Portugal
Web Chair Omkar Dokur, USA
Publicity Chair Suzan Bayhan, The Netherlands
Steering Committee Carmelo Ardito, Italy Torsten Brinda, Germany Luis Camarinha-Matos, Portugal Augusto Casaca, Portugal Tibor Cinkler, Hungary Gordon Fletcher, UK Srinivas Katkoori, USA Fabio Paterno, Italy Ricardo Reis, Brazil Damien Sauveron, France Basie von Solms, South Africa Neuman Souza, Brazil Krassen Stefanov, Bulgaria Leon Strous, Netherlands A Min Tjoa, Austria Ulrika H. Westergren, Sweden Marco Winckler, France Li Da Xu, USA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Message re. COVID-19: The IFIP IoT 2021 conference is planned as a physical meeting. Given the uncertainty with regards to COVID-19, there will be options to present papers and participate virtually. The organizers are committed to have the event on the dates as scheduled. COVID-19 uncertainties should therefore not discourage you from submitting your paper that, if accepted and presented, will be published in our conference proceedings published by Springer in the IFIP AICT series. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Suzan Bayhan Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS) University of Twente, The Netherlands Office: ZI-5049 (Zilverling, 5th floor) https://suzanbayhan.github.io/ https://www.utwente.nl/en/eemcs/dacs/
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf