[MM-INTEREST] [1st Call for Papers] BodyNets 2010 - 5th International Conference on Body Area Networks

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============================================================ CALL FOR PAPERS BodyNets 2010 The 5th Annual International Conference on Body Area Networks September 10-12, 2010, Corfu Island, Greece. http://www.bodynets.org/index.shtml ============================================================
Submission deadline: March 10, 2010
============================================================ ACM MONET special issue on "Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks". http://www.bodynets.org/docs/MONET-SI-UBSN-CFP.pdf ============================================================ OVERVIEW:
Recent advances in the field of wireless sensor networks have moved them beyond their traditional areas of application in monitoring of remote and mobile environments. Sensor networks are increasingly being deployed within and around the human body to form Body Area Networks (BodyNets). In addition to monitoring focused applications BodyNets allow also for closed loop systems incorporating actuators. They can be utilized in diverse applications such as physiological monitoring, human computer interactions, education and entertainment through interactive games. This conference will explore and explain the scope and challenges of designing, building, and deploying BodyNets. In this regard, the conference aims to establish a forum to bring together research professionals from diverse fields including computer science, biomedical engineering and medicine in both academia and industry to address the technical, social, system and application issues related to BodyNets.
TOPICS: The conference invites original technical papers that were not previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Topics include, but are not limited to:
1 Communications and Networking: * In-body, on-body, and around body networks * Communication techniques and protocols for BodyNets * Scalable, flexible network architectures & deployments * Networking and security issues for BodyNets * Advanced propagation and channel model for BodyNets
2 Medical applications: * Pervasive health care and patient monitoring * Integrating BodyNets into the healthcare system * Novel closed-loop applications of BodyNets
3 Systems and Technology: * System design issues, and performance modeling * Signal processing, reliability and fault-tolerance issues * Emerging self-powered BodyNets * Novel wireless communication technologies
4 Wearable computing: * Wearable system design issues * Entertainment and lifestyle applications * Assistive technologies for independent aging * Interactive Arts
PAPER SUBMISSION: Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages, short papers of up to 4 pages, and poster paper up to 2 pages, in ACM conference proceeding format through ASSYST (http://assyst-online.org/submission/login/loadHome.do.php). If you have problems in accessing the ASSYST system, please contact the Conference Coordinator (Maria Morozova) at: maria.morozova@icst.org. Detailed Instructions for ASSYST submission can be found from: http://manual.icst.org/uploads/Submission%20instructions/Submission%20instru...
PUBLICATION: Distinguished papers accepted and presented in BodyNets-10, after further revisions, will be published in International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), http://www.inderscience.com/browse/callpaper.php?callID=1254 and ACM MONET special issue on "Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks". http://www.bodynets.org/docs/MONET-SI-UBSN-CFP.pdf
Abstract Due: March 10, 2010 by 11:59pm PDT Full Paper Due: March 22, 2010 by 11:59pm PDT Notification of Acceptance: May 21, 2010 Camera-ready Manuscripts due: June 21, 2010
GENERAL CHAIRS Victor C.M. Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada Athanasios V. Vasilakos, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIRS Thomas Falck, Philips Research, Switzerland Karim Qayumi, University of British Columbia, Canada Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
PROGRAM TRACK CHAIRS Yan Zhang, Simula Research Lab, Norway Min Chen, University of British Columbia, Canada Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA Jelena Misic, Ryerson University, Canada
INDUSTRY CHAIRS David M. Davenport, GE Global Research, USA Panos Nasiopoulos, University of British Columbia, Canada
PUBLICITY CHAIRs Andreas Bulling, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Lei Shu, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
PUBLICATION CHAIR Foad Dabiri, University of California Los Angeles
Demo Chair Ilangko Balasingham, Rikshospitalet University Hospital
STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIR Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net, Italy
WEB CHAIR Min Chen University of British Columbia, Canada
TPC Members: Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Konstantina Nikita, National Technical University of Athens, Greece William Scanlon, Queens University Belfast, Ireland Tommaso Melodia, University at Buffalo, USA Christine Lisetti, Florida International University, USA Jun Suzuki, University of Massachusetts, USA Yuan-ting Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK Ming Li, California State University, USA Roozbeh Jafari, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Han-Chieh Chao, National ILan University, Taiwan Maulin Patel, Philips Research North America, USA Hui Chen, Virginia State University, USA Jie Liang, Simon Fraser University, Canada Sergio Gonzalez, University of British Columbia, Canada Yu Wang, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Sangheon Park, Korea University, Korea Xiaole Bai, The Ohio State University, USA Yong He, TsingHua University, China Robert C. Hsu, Chong Hwa Univesity, Taiwan Dave Davenport, GE Global Research Victor C.M. Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada Steffen Leonhardt, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Costas Pattichis, University of Cyprus, Greece Ilangko Balasingham, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Norway Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK Emil Jovanov, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA Mohammad H. Mahoor, University of Denver, USA Qiang Ni, Brunel University, UK Bor-rong Chen, Harvard University , USA Gert Cauwenberghs, University of California, USA John Lach, University of Virginia, USA Mike Yu Chi, University of California, USA
-- Andreas Bulling PhD Candidate Research Assistant
ETH Zurich Wearable Computing Laboratory
participants (1)
Andreas Bulling