ICST - TRIDENTCOM 2008 - Call for Participation

======================================================================== CALL FOR PARTICIPATION to the 4th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities
TRIDENTCOM 2008 http://www.tridentcom.org
March 18-20, 2008 - Innsbruck, Austria
Technically co-sponsored by ACM/SIGARCH Co-sponsored by Create-Net,IMDEA Networks and ICST
Early Registration deadline: February 15, 2008
Telecommunication infrastructures play a vital role in modern society. Advances in the range of network service offerings, performance, quality of service, security, and ubiquity continue to flourish, despite global economy fluctuations. Access to experimental infrastructures for real- life applications by specific user communities benefits all of the stakeholders involved: the end users, because of the first-hand evaluation of the provided services, the researchers and infrastructure experimenters, because of the knowledge gained from hands-on study and analysis, and the service providers, because of the business exploitation of the network.
The goal of TridentCom is to create a forum where telecommunication net- works researchers, vendors, providers and users can exchange ideas on past experience, requirements, needs, and visions for future establishment of such infrastructures. It showcases experimental activities, such as testing, verification, integration, measurement, and deployment, which are pivotal to achieving next generation communications.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM ------------------
Besides the more than 30 paper-track session presentations on next generation wireless and Internet testbeds and testing tools, the TridentCom 2008 technical program will include:
- a one-day workshop on the experimental evaluation and deployment experiences on vehicular networks (http://www.weedev.org), - two tutorials on the planning of testbeds for wireless community networks and on the management of Next Generation Networks, - and two special sessions on military testbeds and NGN testbed tools
Keynote speeches will be held by Mr. Chip Elliott (GENI office) and by Mr. Max Lemke (EU Commision, FIRE initiative).
The detailed conference program is available at http://www.tridentcom.org
LOCATION --------
The conference and workshops will take place at the Hotel Grauer Baer (www.innsbruck-hotels.at/grauerbaer) which is located in the immediate city center, just a two-minute walk away from the historic Old Town of Innsbruck. The Universitätsstrasse is part of a very quiet area and is well known for its numerous cafes and bars.
REGISTRATION ------------
Early Registration is open until February 15th 2008. Reduced registration fees are available for students and members of ICST, CREATE-NET, ACM and INRIA. Joint registration to TridentCom and related workshops is also possible for a reduced fee.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE --------------------
General Chair Miguel Ponce de Leon, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Technical Program Co-Chairs Frank Steuer, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Laurens Cloete, Meraka Institute, South Africa Raheem Beyah, Georgia State University, USA
Workshop Chair Pablo Vidales, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
Demo Chair Sandor Szabo, BUTE, Hungary
Publicity Chair Peter Weik, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Publication Chair Thomas Springer, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Conference Coordinator Dorothy Bany, ICST Europe
Finance Chair Karen Decker, ICST USA
Web Chair James Good, TSSG, Ireland
Local Arrangements Chair Jens Schumacher, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg
Panel Chair Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
STEERING COMMITTEE ------------------
Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net
Csaba A. Szabo, BUTE, Hungary
Thomas Magedanz, Technische Universität Berlin, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
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