SI on “Internet of Things” in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] {Spam? 5.34 } SI on “Internet of Things” in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Datum: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 19:00:16 +0100 Von: Antonio Iera An:
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Call for Papers
Internet of Things: the "Next Big Thing" in Communications?
Special Issue of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine
In the last few years, a stimulating idea is fast emerging in the wireless scenario: the pervasive presence around us of a variety of "things" or "objects", such as devices, sensors, actuators, mobile phones, which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact with each other and cooperate with their neighboring "smart" components to reach common goals. This novel paradigm, named "The Internet of Things", continues on the path set by the concept of smart environment and paves the way to the deployment of numerous applications with a significant impact on many fields of future every-day life. In this context, logistics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Business/Process management, assisted living, e-health are only a few examples of possible application fields in which this novel paradigm will play a leading role. How to implement this novel paradigm and how effective its introduction into citizens' every-day life is, still remains to be investigated. Key objectives of any R&D activity in the field are: efficient and effective wireless spectrum utilization, full interoperability of "smarts" devices, their adaptation and autonomous behavior, as well as trust, privacy, and security guarantees. From a wireless communications and networking perspective, the Internet of Things idea raises several challenging issues to address and technological nodes to untie. Which major technological innovations and developments are still required to enable a level of "ambient intelligence", characterized by the integration of wired and wireless "smart" components? Which sustainable standards, technologies, global communication protocols, and algorithms at the various layers of the system protocol stack (from the physical to the application layer) shall be introduced with the aim of allowing a vast amount of information to be shared amongst things and people when wireless links and technologies are involved? Which is the role of widely accepted wireless communications paradigms for peer to peer communications, machine-to-machine communications, and machine-to-network communications in a IoT perspective? Could the use of middleware mechanisms represent a feasible and effective solution to the problem of integrating Radio Frequency devices and wireless sensors into a common IoT framework? Are the proposed trust, privacy, and security models able to make people trust in these novel technologies instead of being afraid of an external surveillance and, more relevantly, are they still effective when involved "things" communicate wirelessly? An attempt to provide a partial answer to these and many other related questions will form the main scope of the present special issue. More specifically we are interested in the wireless communications and networking aspects involved by the introduction of the Internet of Things concept, and therefore solicit papers covering a variety of topics including, but not limited to: * Internet of Things infrastructures, communication systems, network architectures * Mobile Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks * Network management, distributed processing (e.g. access, scheduling, radio resource management, etc.), scalability, and cooperation issues in integrated wired-wireless scenarios for the Internet of Things * Internet of Things enabling ubiquitous and wireless technologies * Security and privacy management for wirelessly communicating "things" and users * RFID technology and RFID middleware * Electromagnetic aspects related to the Internet of Things * Machine-to-machine and machine-to-network communications in the presence of wireless links * Inter-vehicle communications and seamless connectivity * Location and tracking through navigation sensors * Internet of Things applications in research projects * Standardization and regulation (e.g. spectrum allocation and radio frequency exposure protection) issues for the Internet of Things
Submission of original contributions is solicited on the above topics as well as others relevant to the "Internet of Things" concept. All submissions should adhere to the style of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. Guidelines for prospective authors can be found on-line at [1] Electronic submissions in Postscript or PDF format are strongly encouraged and should be sent by e-mail to the address [2] Time Schedule Manuscript Due March 15th, 2010 Acceptance Notification June 15th, 2010 Final Manuscript Due August 15th, 2010 Publication Date December, 2010 Guest Editors Antonio Iera University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria Department D.I.M.E.T. Via Graziella (Feo di Vito) 89100 - Reggio Calabria, ITALY Phone: +39-0965-875286 E-mail: [3] Giacomo Morabito University of Catania Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni V.le A. Doria, 6 95125 - Catania, ITALY Phone: +39-095-7382355 E-mail: [4] Christian Floerkemeier Massachusetts Institute of Technology Auto-ID Lab 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Phone: +1-617-324-1984 E-mail: [5] Jin Mitsugi Keio University Faculty of Environment and Information 5322 Endo Fujisawa Kanagawa 252-8520, JAPAN Phone: +81-3-3516-0620 E-mail: [6]
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