[UbiComp 2012 Workshop CfP] - Effects of Subliminal Perception in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

[our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | WORKSHOP "Methodical Approaches to Prove the Effects of Subliminal | | Perception in Ubiquitous Computing Environments" | | | | Pittsburg, PA, USA; September 8, 2012 | | colocated with UbiComp 2012 (http://www.ubicomp.org/ubicomp2012) | | | | Workshop website: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/UbiComp12 | | Submission deadline (position papers): May 28, 2012 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------| WORKSHOP SUMMARY |-------------------------- There has been much debate around perception of subliminal cues, and their effect on human behavior, especially whether such an effect indeed exists or is only a false marketing myth (Vicary, 1957). As the preven- tion of additional cognitive workload in HCI is a topic of increasing importance, new forms or modalities of interaction between humans and interfaces need to be explored. One promising approach is to use subliminal stimulation or the injection of information below aware perception. To throw light on this issue, the workshop is centered on the questions how subliminal effects can be scientifically supported or how a certain claim could be empirically re- futed.
Researchers are welcome to submit position papers by May 28th, 2012 via the electronic paper submission system available at the workshop website (http://www.pervasive.jku.at/Ubicomp12/). Papers must describe the app- roach and experimental setting used for testing subliminal interaction in HCI, as well as provide a discussion whether or not the effect could have been scientifically supported. More detailed information about aim, submission and review process, etc. is available at the workshop website (http://www.pervasive.jku.at/Ubicomp12/).
---------------------------| Workshop Themes |-------------------------- We are interested in receiving contributions & discussing topics at the workshop related to:
* Philosophy, rationale for the use of subliminal interfaces in UbiComp environments * Ethical issues in application of subliminal perception and impact * Risk assessment in subliminal interfaces (from the view of the user or the system developer) * Qualitative/quantitative evaluation methodologies for the perception of subliminal information * Subliminally delivered information and relation to other constructs such as cognitive load, perceived performance, emotions, etc. * Characteristics of subliminally delivered information (e.g., reachable bandwidth, natural bounds, complexity of information, appropriate mo- dalities, speed of perception, strength/ duration/frequency) * Effectiveness of subliminal perception in UbiComp environments (such as context-aware adaptive interfaces, user-aware adaptive interfaces, personalized commercials,...) * Subliminal perception using different modalities (visual: flashing picture, video, text; auditory: compressed speech, music, non-speech sounds; haptic/tactile; olfactory, or others) * Issues with subliminal perception, such as social acceptance or pre- ference, privacy issues, security issues * Individual differences in threshold of subliminal perception (gender, age, (dis)abilities, cognitive style, cultural/ethnologic background)
Please submit your position papers of up to 6 pages in SIGCHI archival format using the workshop paper submission system available at
SIGCHI templates can be downloaded at the the UbiComp 2012 template web- page at (http://www.ubicomp.org/ubicomp2012/calls/templates.html). Sub- missions do not need to be anonymous.
Workshop website: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/UbiComp12/ Contact: mailto:riener@pervasive.jku.at
------------------| Important Dates for the Workshop |------------------
* Submission deadline: May 28th, 2012 * Notification of acceptance: June 11th, 2012 * Camera ready version due: July 2nd, 2012 * Workshop date: September 8th, 2012
Please feel free to contact the organizers at any time.
Andreas Riener, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Myounghoon Jeon, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Miriam Reiner, Technion Virtual Reality and NeuroCognition Lab, Israel Pierre Chalfoun, Universite de Montreal, Canada
For TPC see: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/AutoUI_subliminal/committee
More detailed and continuously updated information can be found at the workshop website.
participants (1)
Andreas Riener