[Fwd: ITC specialist seminar: announcement and CFP]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: ITC specialist seminar: announcement and CFP Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 13:11:51 +0100 From: Chris Blondia chris.blondia@ua.ac.be Organization: UIA To: Yevgeni Koucheryavy yk@cs.tut.fi CC: Mascolo Saverio mascolo@poliba.it, Rosello Placido P.Rossello@quinary.com, Pavlou George g.pavlou@eim.surrey.ac.uk, Lorenz Pascal lorenz@ieee.org, van den Berg Hans j.l.vandenberg@telecom.tno.nl, Kofman Daniel Daniel.Kofman@enst.fr, Litjens Remco R.Litjens@telecom.tno.nl, van As Harmen Harmen.R.van-As@tuwien.ac.at, Velez Fernando fjv@ubi.pt, Kuehn Paul kuehn@ind.uni-stuttgart.de, Al-Begain Khalid kbegain@glam.ac.uk, Braun Torsten braun@iam.unibe.ch, Miloucheva Ilka ilka.miloucheva@salzburgresearch.at, Klimo Martin martin@frkis.fri.utc.sk, Wolisz Adam wolisz@ee.tu-berlin.de, Barcelo Francisco barcelo@mat.upc.es, Kanduz Gorazd gorazd.kandus@ijs.si, Wolf Lars wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de, Blondia Chris blondia@uia.ua.ac.be, Tsaoussidis Vassilis vtsaousi@ee.duth.gr, Alvarez-Campana Manuel mac@dit.upm.es, Carle Georg carle@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de, Demeester Piet piet.demeester@intec.UGent.be, De Meer Hermann demeer@fmi.uni-passau.de, Bellalta Boris boris.bellalta@tecn.upf.es, Moermann Ingrid ingrid.moerman@intec.UGent.be, Siris Vassilios vsiris@ics.forth.gr, Kihl Maria Maria.Kihl@telecom.lth.se, Rozic Nikola rozic@fesb.hr, Cutherbert Laurie laurie.cuthbert@elec.qmul.ac.uk, Monteiro Edmundo edmundo@dei.uc.pt, Begusic Dinko begusic@fesb.hr, Giambene Giovanni giambene@unisi.it, Ganchev Ivan Ivan.Ganchev@ul.ie, "Ó Droma Máirtín" mairtin.odroma@ul.ie, Pitsillides Andreas Andreas.Pitsillides@ucy.ac.cy, Crowcroft Jon Jon.Crowcroft@cl.cam.ac.uk, Harju Jarmo harju@cs.tut.fi, Goldewski Philippe godlewski@enst.fr References: 37C9303E-12E4-11D8-97B7-000393CFDAAA@cs.tut.fi
Announcement and Call for Papers
ITC Specialist Seminar on Performance Evaluation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
August 31 - September 02, 2004 University of Antwerp Antwerp - Belgium
http://www.itcss16.ua.ac.be -----------------------------------------------------------------------
This ITC Specialist Seminar on Performance Evaluation of Wireless and Mobile Systems is the 16th event in the series of ITC Specialist Seminars that started in 1977, aiming at a specific topic of current or future interest.
The 16th ITC Specialist Seminar will take place between August 31 and September 02, 2004 in Antwerp, Belgium.
The technical program committee is soliciting papers describing original, previously unpublished, completed research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas of computer networking and data communications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: - Mobility management for wireless internet - QoS protocols for wireless internet - Sensor network planning and performance aspects - Wireless LANs - Routing protocols for Ad Hoc networks - Performance issues in Ad Hoc networks - Medium access control techniques and their performance - Traffic characterization and measurements in mobile networks - Resource allocation in mobile and wireless networks
PAPERS SUBMISSION Papers must be submitted electronically (according to the instructions in http://www.itcss16.ua.ac.be ) and their maximum size should be 20 double-spaced pages (using times 12pt as a reference). The cover page must contain an abstract of about 150 words, 3-5 keywords, name and affiliation of author(s), as well as the corresponding author's e-mail, telephone number, fax number and postal address.
PAPERS PUBLICATION All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. The copyright remains with the authors.
IMPORTANT DATES Full papers due: February 15, 2004 Notification: April 30, 2004 Camera Ready due: June 30, 2004
CONFERENCE WEBSITE For more information check the conference website, at http://www.itcss16.ua.ac.be
participants (1)
Lars Wolf