[Fwd: CFP - Networks 2008]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP - Networks 2008 Datum: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 18:53:07 +0100 Von: Rolland Vida vida@tmit.bme.hu Organisation: bme An: 'Rolland Vida' vida@tmit.bme.hu
Dear colleagues,
Please consider the below CFP and forward it to your PhD students, research colleagues or appropriate project mailing lists.
Best regards, Rolland Vida, Networks 2008 Publicity Chair
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call
********************************************************************** Call For Papers
Conference Title: NETWORKS 2008 - 13th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium "Convergence in Progress"
Location & Date: Budapest, Hungary, Sept 28 - Oct 2, 2008
VENUE: Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget Budapest, Hungary
Host: Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Technical co-sponsors: IEEE, IEEE Communication Society
URL: http://www.networks2008.org/ Contact: info@hte.hu
Networks 2008 will focus on the challenges of planning networks to deliver on the promise of Convergence and NGN. The challenges are many - how to build high performance networks for converged services where every step is cost justified and drives profitable growth, where difficult issues of scalability, end-to-end network performance, network management, network and service control, reliability, security and interoperability are planned and then realized, and where flexibility is maintained to allow experimentation with new applications that can foster new and compelling revenue streams for operators. Unleashing the core value of convergence and the reduction in the number of network platforms requires innovation in network planning methods, scalable architectures, new optimization algorithms, and understanding the tradeoffs between different technology choices and migration paths.
We are living in very interesting times right now. The revolution we had been hoping for is finally taking place. Mobile and fixed operators are moving to next generation networks. Hundreds of trials are underway. Many operators have made recent commitments, very significant investments towards their future vision, often reducing spending drastically on extensions to current infrastructures to allow spending on new platforms. At such times, industry professionals are on a high learning growth curve and there is an urgent need for forums where true learning can occur thru the exploration of diverse perspectives and opposing viewpoints, the presentation of leading-edge results in planning specific networks, and state-of-the art methods and tools.
Networks 2008 provides such an opportunity. It is the 13th of such symposia, held every two years, and attracting participants from all over the world - from network operators, to systems and software companies, to researchers from universities and industry, to systems integrators. At Networks 2008, we will continue the tradition of state-of-the art papers, invited presentations, and panel sessions, as international experts present their latest findings and share experiences in network strategy, planning, operations, management, control and design.
1. Convergence at Different Domains a) Business strategy for convergence in competition b) Economies of scale at network, services, access, terminals and operation domains c) Triple play and Multiple play. Architectures and solutions d) Fixed-Mobile-Nomadic convergence e) Broadband Mobile-Broadcast/Multicast convergence f) IMS architecture and applications solutions g) Addressing and numbering issues h) Example cases on convergence
2. Migration to NGN and Mobile Broadband a) NGN and IMS architectures and solutions b) Migration steps to NGN based on economical evaluation and security c) New services driving evolution to NGN d) Migrating to multimedia/multiservice environment e) VoIP solutions: service, performance, cost and revenues impactsf) IPTV demand and design g) Migration alternatives from 2G to 3G and economical evaluation, Services driving 3G business h) Interoperation across multiple domains i) Regulation and interconnection issues in NGN, Network certification process
3. Routing, Traffic Flows and Optimization a) Multiservice traffic measurement, analysis, characterization and simulation at network level b) Multiservice flow matrix and aggregation methods c) New signaling and control in multimedia/multisystems d) P2P (peer-to-peer) traffic flows and implications on network demand e) Impact of GRID services f) Intra-Domain and Inter-Domain routing, TE (Traffic Engineering) and resilience g) Optimization process with technical and economic criteria h) Using Game Theory, Meta-heuristics and LP/ILP
4. Network Design and Planning Methods a) Network design methods for multimedia services b) Network topology design and optimization at different layers: physical, optical, media and control c) Quality of Service, Quality of Resilience, performance and SLA d) VPN design e) Ad-hoc networking f) Sensor networks and autonomic networks g) End-to-End service performance evaluation h) Network security i) Network resilience: survivability, protection, restoration and availability j) Cost modelling and pricing
5. Role of New Technologies, Developments and Standards a) Optical switching b) New generation SDH, OTN c) New generation internet and IPv6 d) Carrier Grade/Class Ethernet: 100GEth, VPLS, PBB, e) GMPLS, PCE f) Mobile 3.5 and 4G, LTE (Long Term Evolution) g) WiMax h) xDSL and FTTx, Power Line Communication (PLC) i) Broadcast/multicast systems. DVB-T/H
6. Network Planning Support Processes and Tools a) Multilayer planning process b) Business planning methods and tools c) Optical network design tools d) Access planning methods and tools e) NGN planning methods and tools f) 3G planning methods and tools g) OSS and BSS processes and tools h) Network Management support tools
Important Dates:
Submission of full papers: February 29, 2008 Tutorial Submission: April 11, 2008 Notification of acceptance: May 9, 2008 Final Version of Accepted Papers and Copyright: August 1, 2008
Paper Submission Guidelines:
Papers must be unpublished. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance. Authors of accepted papers must attend the conference to present their contributions.
Papers must be submitted electronically through the EDAS system (details will be available at the www.networks2008.org). Each submission must be accompanied by the following information: a short abstract (up to 300 words), a complete list of authors and their affiliations, a contact person for correspondence, postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers.
The total length of papers should be between 6 and 10 pages. Accepted papers will be published by the HTE and the IEEE. HTE will own the copyright transferred to them by the authors. Papers will also be available electronically from IEEE Xplore (ieeexplore.ieee.org), the digital library of the IEEE. Guidelines for formatting the paper can be obtained from http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/
The top 10% papers receiving highest reviewer score will be invited to related journals. Based on scores and the oral presentation, up to 3 papers will be chosen for the best paper award.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf