CFP: Usable Security; PerCom2018 Workshop (DL: 11.11.2017)

================================================ CALL FOR PAPERS Sixth CoSDEO Workshop **Usable Security** in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2018 ================================================
## Important dates November 11, 2017: Paper and demo submission deadline December 23, 2017: Notification of acceptance January 12, 2018: Submission of camera-ready deadline
## Call The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on the design, implementation, and evaluation of systems, algorithms or models for usable security. Recently, usable security receives a growing amount of attention in industry and from academia. This covers, for instance, novel pairing and security schemes for pervasive systems where identity cues are provided from sensor information as well as the discussion of novel sensor modalities or secure processing methodologies. The offensive side includes attacks on existing security mechanisms as well as entropy and statistical analysis of key sequences. It is therefore the goal of this workshop to provide a publication and discussion platform for this growing community in which fundamental problems but also sophisticated approaches are presented and discussed.
Thus, we like to encourage practioners and scientists in all stages of their research, from first experiments to readily developed and evaluated systems, to submit their original work to allow a broad discussion with established field experts but also researchers relatively new to the field. Even if work is in a very early stage all submitted work must conform to typical scientific requirements; showing a good overview of the field and the specific area of the context of interest. If the paper is based on a technical system the system should be described and discussed thoroughly. Besides regular papers, we also encourage submission of visionary papers which need not describe completed research but contain ideas new to the field. These may be related to novel and convenient techniques for key generation and pairing, discussions on entropy and statistical properties of sensor- generated random sequences but also novel applications and designs of usable security systems.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Novel usable security mechanisms in the field of pervasive computing * Biometric and context-based authentication and pairing schemes, e.g., based on gait, audio, video, usage patterns, haptics, RF … * Usability evaluations of new or existing security or privacy features * User studies in usable security * Attacks on security schemes * Privacy functionality and design for ubiquitous systems * Fuzzy cryptography in security systems * Quantization approaches * Lessons learned from the deployment and use of usable and pervasive security * User experience in mobile security * Security schemes for sharply resource limited devices in Pervasive and IoT environments * Privacy and anonymization aspects in usable security * Novel interfaces fostering usable security * Entropy estimation and statistical analysis for keys generated from usably secure systems * Edge-support for usable security on resource limited pervasive devices * Lightweight security solutions * Biometrics on resource-limited devices * Ethics and legal considerations in usable security * Detection and prevention of attacks on usably secure systems * Authentication and access control for usably secure systems * Trust in usable security * Orchestration and collaboration between devices in usable security * Quantization approaches
## Organizers: Sascha Fahl, Leibnitz University Hannover, Germany Dominik Schuermann, TU Braunschweig, Germany Stephan Sigg, Aalto University, Finland
participants (1)
Dominik Schürmann