[Fwd: E-NEXT.members: [Fwd: [Multimedia 06] Call For Contributions]]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: E-NEXT.members: [Fwd: [Multimedia 06] Call For Contributions] Datum: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 09:47:22 +0000 Von: Dr AU Mauthe a.mauthe@lancaster.ac.uk An: E-Next members@ist-e-next.net
Call for Contributions The 2006 ACM Multimedia Conference
Fess Parker's Double-Tree Resort Santa Barbara, California
October 22-28, 2006 http://mmdb.ece.ucsb.edu/acmmm06/
Important Dates:
Apr. 10, 2006 - Research Paper Abstract Submission Deadline (Absolutely Firm Deadline)
Apr. 17, 2006 - Research Paper/Panel/Tutorial/Workshop Submission Deadline at 11 PM PDT (Absolutely Firm Deadline)
May. 12, 2006 Interactive Art Program Long Paper/Exhibition Submission Deadline at 11 PM PDT
Jun. 01, 2006 Short Paper/Interactive Art Program Short Paper/Open Source/Doctoral Program/Demo Proposal Submission Deadline at 11 PM PDT
Jul. 01, 2006 - Notification of acceptance
Aug. 01, 2006 - Camera-ready papers
Aug. 12, 2006 - Advanced Registration Deadline
General Information
Multimedia 2006 invites your participation in the premier annual multimedia conference, covering all aspects of multimedia computing: from underlying technologies to applications, theory to practice, and servers to networks to devices.
The technical program will consist of plenary sessions and talks with topics of interest in:
(a) Multimedia content analysis, processing, and retrieval; (b) Multimedia networking and systems support; (c) Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications; and (d) Foundational sciences of multimedia.
Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. In order to encourage sharing of implementations, this year will also initiate awards for best demo, best art program paper, and the best-contributed open-source software.
Panels will consist of discussions on timely and controversial topics.
Short papers will be presented in poster format and are an opportunity for researchers to present new work and ideas in an interactive setting.
State-of-the-Art Tutorials by leading experts will precede the technical program. The full- and half-day offerings will span a wide variety of topics.
New Foundational/Application track is a special sessions track containing papers, which establish foundational sciences and extend the boundaries of multimedia research.
Technical Demos will include leading edge work in every area of multimedia technology and its application. An award will be given to the best demo.
Interactive Art Program will include long and short papers describing interactive multimedia art works, tools, applications, and technical approaches for creative uses of multimedia content and technology. It will also include an art exhibition.
Video Demonstrations allow researchers and artists to demonstrate their tool, system or application without having to bring the equipment for a "live" demo.
Workshops on topics of great current interest to members of the multimedia research community will precede the technical program.
The Doctoral Symposium is a venue for doctoral students to present their research and receive feedback from members of the multimedia research field.
The Open-source Software Competition is a recent addition to the ACM Multimedia program and 2006 will be our third year in running the competition.
------------------------ Questions: Please feel free to email one of the General Co-chairs.
Klara Nahrstedt - mailto:klara@cs.uiuc.edu Matthew Turk - mailto:mturk@cs.ucsb.edu
------------------------ *NOTE* - If you do not want to receive emails pertaining to the ACM Multimedia conference please reply to this message with 'REMOVE address' in the subject line (using the address at the bottom of this email). Colleagues can subscribe by sending a message with 'SUBSCRIBE' in the subject line to acmsigmm@fastmail.fm. ------------------------
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf