[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP-IEEE VTC'03 Multimedia Services in Wireless Networks]

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-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] CFP-IEEE VTC'03 Multimedia Services in Wireless Networks Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 10:19:28 -0500 From: sanjeev.verma@nokia.com To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
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IEEE VTC 2003 Symposium On Multimedia Services in Wireless Networks
October 4-9, 2003 Hyatt Orlando Hotel Orlando, Florida, USA
SYMPOSIUM CHAIR: Dr. Sanjeev Verma Dr. Srinivas Bindignavile Nokia Research Center, 5 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA-01803.
Motivation and Scope
The Internet is fast emerging as the ubiquitous transport network to provide wide range of multimedia services like IP Datacast, Streaming and Multimedia Broadcast. Also, there has been a growing popularity of portable devices, such as notebook computers, PDAs and mobile phones in recent years. Now it is possible to provide very high-speed access to portable devices with emerging technologies like WLAN and 3G networks. This has lead to the search for newer applications and algorithms that can add value to an end-user's experience by combining multimedia services with mobile specific services.
The research issues to provide multimedia services in wireless environments are numerous. We are seeking papers that are original, unpublished, and not currently under review by an other conference, workshop, or journal. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
-- QoS issues with multimedia services. -- Signaling architecture to support multimedia services in next generation wireless networks. -- Multimedia Security. -- Architectural issues in providing multimedia services in heterogeneous wireless environments. -- Location and mobility issues. -- System modeling and performance evaluation. -- Protocol design, analysis, and optimization. -- Routing (including multicasting and broadcasting) -- Joint MAC and network layer optimization issues to provide multimedia services in emerging wireless networks. -- Congestion, admission, and flow control. -- Implementation and test-bed experiments.
Submission Guidelines
Authors MUST submit a short abstract submission (approximately 150 words in the EDAS web site form) AND an extended abstract (up to 2 pages) also submitted through the EDAS web site. The extended abstracts are soft copy in MS Word or PDF file formats. The submission must include the name, complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and the email address of the author(s). Extended abstracts should be submitted electronically (MS Word or PDF) by February 15, 2002.
Important Dates
February 15, 2003: Last date for submission of abstracts April 15, 2003 : Notification of acceptance July 15, 2003 : Camera-ready version of accepted papers
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf