IWCMC 2012: Call for Papers

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SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 15th, 2011 SUBMISSION LINK (Wireless Networking Symp.):
Call for Papers
The 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2012)-- LIMASSOL, CYPRUS
Wireless Networking Symposium
========================================================= Symposium co-Chairs:
Jalel Ben-Othman University of Paris 13 ( Luca Foschini, University of Bologna (
The emergence of user mobility is due to the development of devices like PDAs and specially the wireless technologies. Wireless networks are expected to encompass heterogeneous access technologies and the Internet backbone for providing services to both mobile and fixed users. It poses significant technical challenges to enable broadband wireless access with seamless and ubiquitous coverage and quality-of-service provisioning. The objective of this symposium is to exchange and proposes new ideas and results that can improve the actual wireless systems or protocols.
Original papers are invited on emerging architectures and technologies in the design of Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN), wireless local area networks (WLANs) wireless personal area networks (WPANs) with emphasis on the use of such networks in diverse areas of applications such as supporting ubiquitous mobile Internet access, and the design of ad-hoc networks, and sensor networks. The symposium solicits high quality and previously unpublished work in the field.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers by the deadline 15 December 2011 for publication in the IWCMC 2012 Conference Proceedings and for oral or poster presentation(s).
All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures, without incurring additional page charges (maximum 2 additional pages, with overlength page fee). Papers should be formatted according to IEEE double column proceedings format, please use either Word ( c/document_library/get_file?uuid=4cc57ba2-393e-4a04-9551-3a45535c5198 &groupId=525773) or LaTex ( get_file?uuid=cda2f9b2-516f-43b8-ba8d-da91c0503dac&groupId=525773) templates and instructions provided by IEEE. Make sure you do not include page numbers with your submission.
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done through EDAS at
You are invited to submit original technical papers covering but not limited to the following topics:
- Cellular systems, 2G/2.5G/3G/4G and beyond - WiMAX, LTE, WMAN, and other emerging broadband wireless networks - Networking issues in WLAN, WPAN, and other home/personal networking technologies - Body-based wireless networks - Pervasive and wearable computing - Wireless networks for underwater and UAVs communications - Delay tolerant wireless networks - Wireless mesh networks - Inter-networking and integration of wireless heterogeneous and multi-tier networks - Multimode wireless networks - Reconfigurable wireless networks - Novel architectural design and operation models - Service-centric and overlay networks - Peer-to-peer wireless networks - Location and context aware services - End-to-end protocol, flow and congestion control - Wireless Internet and mobile IP - Routing and multicasting protocols - Resource management, mobility management, and admission control - Power management and control - Energy conservation techniques - User cooperation and incentive schemes - Cross-layer design and optimization - Performance analysis and QoS provisioning - Network planning, capacity analysis, and topology control - Monitoring and network management algorithms - Fault-tolerance and traffic reliability issues - Pricing and billing modeling and solutions - Network measurement, Validation and verification schemes - Testbeds and deployment - Self-organizing network - Wireless multimedia networks - Standardization activities of emerging technologies - Medium access techniques and protocols for WLANs/WPANs - Provisioning quality of service in WLANs/WPANs - Multimedia networking architectures and protocols for WLANs/WPANs - Integration and interoperability of WLANs/WPANs and 3G (and beyond) networks - User mobility and workload modeling - Security issues in WLANs/WPANs
Mario Fanelli, Ph.D. Student DEIS-LIA - Università degli Studi di Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY) Ph.: (+39) 051 209 3541 Fax: (+39) 051 209 3073. E-mail: or Web: _________________________________________
participants (1)
Mario Fanelli