[Fwd: [CFP] IEEE ICME 2009 Call for Proposals and Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [CFP] IEEE ICME 2009 Call for Proposals and Papers Datum: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 19:36:28 -0400 Von: Lexing Xie xlx@us.ibm.com Antwort an: Lexing Xie xlx@ee.columbia.edu An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
** this email is being sent to a list of past contributors and participants of IEEE ICME, ACM MM and ACM CIVR. apologies for duplicate posting ... please email us if you'd like to be removed from future announcements, thank you. **
======================================================================= IEEE ICME 2009 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS
2009 The 10th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) June 28 - July 3, 2009 Hilton Cancun, Cancun, Mexico http://www.icme09.org =======================================================================
Overview IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo is a major annual international conference with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of multimedia. ICME serves as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, and implementations of multimedia systems, technologies and applications.
ICME is co-sponsored by four IEEE societies, including the Circuits and Systems Society, the Communications Society, the Computer Society, and the Signal Processing Society. The conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, exhibits, special sessions, tutorials, and paper presentations.
Paper submissions Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in IEEE double-column format including authors' names, affiliations, and a short abstract. Only electronic submission will be accepted. Please visit the conference website, www.icme09.org for the instructions to submit papers. Topics covered include but are not limited to: Audio, image, video processing Signal processing for media integration Virtual reality and 3-D imaging Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction Multimedia Communications and networking Multimedia security and content protection Multimedia databases Multimedia computing systems and appliances Multimedia analysis and social media on the Internet Hardware and software for multimedia systems Multimedia standards and related issues Multimedia applications
A number of awards generously sponsored by industry and academic institutions will be presented to the Best Papers / Best Student Papers at the conference.
In addition to the traditional regular 4-page papers, we are soliciting submissions of plenary (8-10 page) papers. Accepted plenary papers will be given single-track plneary 30 minutes time slots to present their work to the whole conference.
Multimedia is known for its diversity and the broad spectrum it covers. To encourge cross-field collaborative researches, in ICME 2009, we invite our sponsoring technical committees to host workshops to introduce the emerging technology in their respective field. Thanks to the sponsoring technical committees, the following workshops have been confirmed: * Emerging Multimedia Signal Processing Technology Workshop (by IEEE MMSP TC) * Emerging Multimedia Circuits and Systems Technology Workshop (by IEEE MMSA TC) * Emerging Multimedia Communications Workshop (by IEEE MM Communications TC) * Multimedia Technology Workshop (by ACM SIG Multimedia 2009 MM TPC)
Workshops, Tutorials, Demos and Specal Sessions To further foster new emerging topics and areas on multimedia, ICME2009 strongly welcome researchers, developers, and practitioners to organize workshops in conjunction with the ICME2009 main conference. Interested organizers please directly contact Dr. Deepak Turaga at turaga {at} us.ibm.com and submit proposal by November 10, 2008.
Proposals for Special Sessions and Tutorials are also encouraged. Special Session proposals should be directed to Dr. Marcel Worring at m.worring {at} uva.nl by December 1, 2008. Brief tutorial proposals should be submitted by January 31, 2009, to Dr. Deepa Kundur at deepa {at} ece.tamu.edu, and must include title, outline, contact information for the presenter, and a description of the tutorial and material to be distributed to participants.
Proposals for Demonstrations should be submitted to Dr. Hari Sundaram at hari.sundaram {at} asu.edu by January 31, 2009.
Important Dates: Workshop Proposals Due: November 10, 2008 Special Session Proposal Due: December 1, 2008 Tutorial Proposal Due: December 1, 2008 Regular Paper / Plenary Paper Submission: December 31, 2008 Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2009 Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 31, 2009
Organization General Chairs: Ching-Yung Lin, IBM Research, USA Ingemar Cox, U. College London, UK
Technical Program Chairs: Qibin Sun, Hewlett-Packard, China Yong Rui, Microsoft, China
Vice Chairs Belle Tseng, Yahoo, USA Daniel Gatica-Perez, IDIAP, Switzerland
Vice Technical Program Chairs Alex Loui, Kodak, USA Pascal Forsard, EPFL, Switzerland Wenjun Zeng, Univ. of Missouri, USA
Local Chairs Javier Gomez-Castellanos, Natl. U. of Mexico, Mexico Manuel Reyes-Gomez, Microsoft Research, USA
Finance Chairs Ying Li, IBM Research, USA Xiaodan Song, Google, USA
Registration Chairs Shahram Ebadollahi, IBM Research, USA Xiaohui Gu, N. Carolina State U., USA
Publication Chairs Regunathan Radhakrishnan, Dolby Labs, USA Rong Yan, IBM Research, USA
Workshop Chairs Deepak Turaga, IBM Research, USA Alejandro Jaimes, Telefonica R&D, Spain
Special Session Chairs Marcel Worring, U. of Amsterdam, Netherlands Chia-Wen Lin, Natl. Tsing-Hua U, Taiwan
Panel Chairs John Kender, Columbia Univ, USA Malcolm Slaney, Yahoo Research, USA
Tutorial Chairs Deepa Kundur, Texas A&M U., USA Rainer Lienhart, U. of Augsburg, Germany
Demonstration Chairs Hari Sundaram, Arizona State U., USA Akiomi Kunisa, Sanyo, USA
Publicity Chairs Winston Hsu, National Taiwan U., Taiwan Lexing Xie, IBM Research, USA
Advisory Board Chairs Ming-Ting Sun, U. of Washington., USA Mark Liao, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Chung-Sheng Li, IBM Research, USA John Smith, IBM Research, USA Chang Wen Chen, University of Buffallo, USA Guan Ling, Ryerson University, Canada --- http://www.icme09.org
participants (1)
Lars Wolf