Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP] Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press) - "Resource Management of IoT Edge devices: Challenges, Techniques, and Solutions"

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP] Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press) - "Resource Management of IoT Edge devices: Challenges, Techniques, and Solutions" Datum: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 00:37:01 +0100 Von: Anish Jindal anish.jindal@THAPAR.EDU Antwort an: Anish Jindal anish.jindal@THAPAR.EDU An: tccc-announce@comsoc.org
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*Special Issue on * Resource Management of IoT Edge devices: Challenges, Techniques, and Solutions *Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press) *
*Call for Papers *
With the growth of Internet of things (IoT) paradigm, there has been a tremendous makeshift in how the distributed devices work to achieve a common goal. However, it remains essential that all these devices work in a coherent manner to perform a collective action. This makes the task of resource provisioning extremely important in such a paradigm. The end-user level in IoT mostly comprise of the low computation and communication powered devices. An improper utilization of the available resources in such a scenario burdens the complete system and degrades the quality of service. In such a scenario, the use of cloud computing techniques can help to manage the resources effectively.
More so, with the emergence of relatively newer cloud-based technologies such as edge and fog computing, resource management in the IoT has become far more effective. These technologies bring the computation and communication capabilities closer to the IoT devices where some of the services can be offloaded to the edge devices. These devices are called IoT edge devices and they provide a unique opportunity to tackle some of the existing and pertinent issues for resource management in IoT paradigms; yet at the same time, they face their own set of challenges. However, the use of IoT edge devices in a traditional IoT paradigm results in better utilization of the available resources as well as improving the overall quality of service. Keeping this in mind, this special issue will address the resource management in IoT edge devices with the focus on various challenges faced, and potential techniques and solutions to address such challenges by leveraging IoT edge devices. The researchers, both at the academic and industrial level, working on resource management in IoT edge devices can share their latest results to create wider awareness about their schemes. The topics of interest include (but not necessarily limited to):
- Resource provisioning using IoT edge devices - Improving quality of service using IoT edge devices - Novel architectures for integrating IoT models with edge devices - Use of advanced learning methods such as artificial intelligence and deep learning for resource management in IoT edge devices - Exploiting edge devices for computation offloading in IoT paradigms - Analysis of overheads and requirements for using IoT edge devices - Security and resilience issues in IoT edge devices
*Important Dates * *Submission Due:* December 15, 2019 *Notification Due:* March 15, 2020 *Revision Due: *April 30, 2020 *Notification of Final acceptance: *May 30, 2020 *Final paper due:* June 30, 2020
*Special Issue Paper Submission *
We seek submission of papers that present new, original and innovative ideas for the "first" time in SPE. Submission of "extended versions" of already published works (e.g., conference papers) with more than 50% brand "new" material is allowed. If you are submitting an extended version, you must submit a cover letter detailing the "Summary of Differences" between the submitted SPE paper and the published paper. For manuscript preparation and additional details, please refer to the Author Guidelines for the journal available on the Wiley Online Library Journal of Software: Practice and Experience ( http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-024X/homepage/ForA...). The submission site is: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/spe.
While submitting paper to this issue, please select “*SPE-SI-RM_IoT*” in the submission system. All submissions including invited papers will undergo a regular peer review process.
*Guest Editors*
*Dr. Neeraj Kumar*
CSE Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
Email: neeraj.kumar@thapar.edu
*Dr. Anish Jindal*
School of Computing & Communications, Lancaster University, UK
Email: a.jindal3@lancaster.ac.uk
*Prof. Massimo Villari*
Computer Science School, University of Messina, Italy
Email: mvillari@unime.it
*Prof. Satish Narayana Srirama*
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia
Email: satish.srirama@ut.ee
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
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Lars Wolf