Fwd: [Tccc] SNS 2012: deadline extended to 18 February 2012.

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] SNS 2012: deadline extended to 18 February 2012. Datum: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 13:05:08 +0100 Von: Davide Frey davide.frey@inria.fr An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]
Due to a number of requests, we have extended the paper submission deadline to Saturday, 18 February 2012. Please disseminate this update to your colleagues and students.
Call For Papers Social Network Systems 2012 In conjunction with EuroSys 2012 Bern Switzerland, 10 April 2012
The 5th Workshop on Social Network Systems (SNS 2012) will gather researchers to discuss novel ideas about computer systems and social networks. Online social networks are among the most popular sites on the Web and continue to grow rapidly. Online social networks provide mechanisms for establishing online identities and creating relationships. The resulting social graph provides a network for maintaining social relationships and for locating content, with the potential of changing computer systems and applications, for example, by providing new means to publish and find content as well as new ways to reason about trust. The workshop complements the topics of the main EuroSys conference, since the research issues with online social networks span the topics of distributed computing, databases, and storage systems as well as security and privacy. This workshop will focus on the systems issues of online social networks. Broadly, a systems issue of social networks comprises three main areas:
1. Infrastructure support for social networks (including distributed systems, databases, and storage systems). 2. Ways of leveraging social networks in systems design. 3. Measurement and analysis of existing deployed social networks.
Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
• Management and querying of large social graphs. • Graph query engines and query optimization for online processing. • Support for consistency among concurrent readers and writers to a large distributed social graph. • Partitioning large social graphs. • Data storage and organization. • Benchmarking, modeling, and workload characterization. • Crawlers and other mechanisms for observing social network structure. • Experiences with deployed systems. • Leveraging social network properties in systems design. • Issues of privacy and security. • Tools for designing and deploying social networks. • Application programming interfaces for social networks. • System support for social analytics and network dynamics. • Methods for integrating multiple networks. • Performance measurement and analysis of online social networks systems.
Proceedings will be published in the ACM digital library.
Submissions may not exceed 6 pages double column, including everything (i.e., figures, tables, references, appendices, etc.), and should use a 10pt font (so specify \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn]{sigplanconf}). Papers must be formatted according to the ACM SIGPLAN style, for which templates are available for both LaTeX and Word ( http://eurosys2012.unibe.ch/submissions ). Please number pages. This workshop is sponsored by ACM, ACM SigOps, and EuroSys.
IMPORTANT DATES (to be confirmed)
18 February 2012 Paper submission deadline (extended!) 4 March 2012 Notification of acceptance 18 March 2012 Camera-ready submission deadline 10 April 2012 Workshop
* Eiko Yoneki University of Cambridge, UK Email: eiko.yoneki@cl.cam.ac.uk
* Davide Frey INRIA-RENNES, France Email: Davide.Frey@inria.fr
* Ian Brown University of Oxford, UK Email: ian.brown@oii.ox.ac.uk
* Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge) * George Danezis (MSR, Cambridge) * Sameh Elnikety (MSR, Redmond) * Sharad Goel (Yahoo! Research, New York) * Thomas Gross (ETHZ) * Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL) * Anne-Marie Kermarrec (INRIA-Rennes) * Vahab Mirrokni (Google, New York) * Peter Neubauer (Neo4J) * Ant Rowstron (MSR, Cambridge) * Tao Stein (Facebook) * George Theodorakopoulos (EPFL, University of Derby) * Ben Zhao UCSB, USA
Google will sponsor up to two best-paper awards to honor the author(s) of papers of exceptional quality submitted to the SNS 2012 workshop.
We will provide financial support for students that present their work at the workshop.
on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SNS2012
on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/SNS_2012 _______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf