[Fwd: E-NEXT.members: CFP MeshNets 2005 -- Submission deadline extended to 27 February]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: E-NEXT.members: CFP MeshNets 2005 -- Submission deadline extended to 27 February Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 02:02:51 +0100 From: Laura Marie Feeney lmfeeney@sics.se To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Apologies if you receive multiple copies
In order to synchronize better with other workshops being held at WICON, the submission deadline for MeshNets 2005 has been significantly extended. (So now you have plenty of time to finish your paper and submit it...)
MeshNets 2005 http://www.meshnets.org
In conjunction with WICON 2005 10 July 2005, Budapest, Hungary
Submissions due: February 27, 2005 Notification of Acceptance: April 05, 2005 Camera-ready Version due: May 15, 2005
The long-term success of the Wireless Internet depends on the establishment of an architectectural framework that can meet the increasingly stringent demands place on it by our mobile, "always connected" society. Wireless mesh networks are expected to be a key element of this future.
In a wireless mesh network, mobile devices or networks cooperatively establish mulit-hop, or even multi-radio communication paths in a dynamic environment, providing an alternative form of wireless connectivity. To achieve scalability and performance, such a network must manage complex tradeoffs among factors such as coverage, throughput/delay and QoS support. Many such networks must also be able to support self-organizing and self-healing modes of operation.
The emergence of wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN technologies and an ever-growing demand for connectivity suggest that wireless mesh networks will play an important role in the future development of the Wireless Internet. The importance and timeliness of this topic is confirmed by the many start-up companies defining technology and products in this space, as well as the work of standards bodies such as the IEEE 802.11s Working Group.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together an international group of academics, researchers, and industry practitioners to a) provide a view of the state-of-art, b) identify outstanding challenges and c) present current research on all aspects of mesh networks. The workshop will therefore include panel discussion and invited speakers, as well as papers selected through this CFP.
In particular, we encourage submissions which make fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of wireless mesh networking, with emphasis on cross-layer protocol design and implementation, especially in the context of programmable and software defined radio.
We solicit paper on topics including, but not limited to the following areas of relevance to mesh networks:
Link and MAC layer design Cross-layer optimization Radio resource management and QoS support Programmable and software defined radios User mobility models and mobility management Topology deduction and network measurement and characterization Performance evaluation and modelling Experimental systems and test-beds Security and authentication Interworking between wireless access and the wired backbone
Proposals for panel sessions on wireless networking and related topics are also solicited.
Panel topics should address innovative, controversial, or otherwise provocative topics related to wireless mesh networking. Please submit proposals to the General Chairs <tpc.html>.
All submissions will be handled electronically. Papers must be submitted in PostScript or Adobe PDF format. Papers must not exceed 8-10 (A4 size) pages, including text, figures and references, with a minimum font size of 11pt and reasonable margins. Submitted papers must be original and unpublished work, not currently under review for any other conference or journal.
All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by experts and returned to the author(s) with comments to ensure the high quality of accepted papers. The authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the conference in order for that paper to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation.
Papers of particular merit will be proposed for publication in the ACM Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), by Kluwer Academic Pulblishers.
Electronic submission instructions will be made available shortly.
General Co-chairs: Shyam Chakraborty Helsinki University of Technology ssc@cc.hut.fi
Sumit Roy University of Washington roy@ee.washington.edu
Submissions due: * February 27, 2005 * Notification of Acceptance: * April 05, 2005 * Camera-ready Manuscripts due: * May 15, 2005 *
+++ Posted to members-istenext by Laura Marie Feeney lmfeeney@sics.se +++
participants (1)
Lars Wolf