[InternetTC] CFP - Healthcom2009

The 11th International Conference on eHealth Conference on eHealth Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom2009) will be held in Sydney, Australia from Dec 16-18th. The papers submission deadline is June 12, 2009. Pl see the web site (www.healthcom2009.orghttp://www.healthcom2009.org/) for more details.
The objective of the International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (Healthcom2009) is to bring together interested parties around the world in the health care field from academia, research, government and industry to exchange ideas, report learning, and discuss innovation and emerging solutions addressing challenges in e-Health. Participants include clinicians, hospital administrators, IT professionals, researchers, educators, healthcare solutions vendors, and consultants. Healthcom2009 is also an important forum for e-Health topics in world bodies such as ITU, WHO and APEC, particularly Ubiquitous Healthcare Initiative for Ageing Societies. In addition to the technical papers to be selected by the Technical Program Committee, the program will include keynote speakers from different parts of the world on some of the burning topics in eHealth:
* eHealth for Ageing * eHealth for Pandemics and Biosecurity * eHealth for Developing Countries * Global Developments in m-Health * Intelligent Knowledge Management for Healthcare
The proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and EI indexed. As in the previous years, best papers from Healthcom2009 will be published in major international refereed journals such as ISI-listed Telemedicine and e-Health Journal, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, and Journal of e-Health Technology and Application.
Healthcom2009 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communication Society, IEEE NSW Section, IFMBE and AIMBE.
A/Prof Pradeep Ray
Director, Asia-Pacific ubiquitous Healthcare research Centre (APuHC),
School of Information Systems, Technology and Management,
Australian School of Business (ASB)
University of New South Wales,
Tel: +61 2 93855890
Fax: +61 2 96624061
Email: p.ray@unsw.edu.au,
URL: www.apuhc.unsw.edu.au
Home page: www.apuhc.org/pradeep
participants (1)
Carlos Becker Westphall