Fwd: [CFP] Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS) 2012

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [CFP] Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS) 2012 Datum: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 11:27:15 -0700 Von: ajaykulk ajaykulk@CISCO.COM Antwort an: ajaykulk ajaykulk@CISCO.COM An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
Call for Papers
The Fourth International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) (in cooperation with ACM, SIGCOMM and SIGMOBILE) (Bangalore, India, January 3rd – January 7th, 2012) _http://www.comsnets.org_
/The Fourth International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS /(COMSNETS) will be held in Bangalore, India, from 3rd January 2012 to 7th January 2012. COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing advances in Networking and Communications Systems, and Telecommunications services. The goal of the conference is to create a world class gathering of researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, business leaders, intellectual property experts, and venture capitalists, providing a forum for discussing cutting edge research, and directions for new innovative business and technology.
The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting of parallel tracks of submitted papers, a small set of invited papers on important and timely topics from well-known leaders in the field, and poster sessions of work in progress. Focused workshops and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to allow for a lively exchange of ideas. International business and government leaders will be invited to share their perspectives, thus complementing the technical program. Topics of interest Papers describing original research work and practical experiences/experimental results are solicited on topics including, but not limited to:
* Internet Architecture, Protocols and Applications * Network Algorithms * Video Distribution (IPTV, Mobile Video, Video on Demand) * Network Operations and Management * Broadband and Cellular Networks (3G/4G, WiMAX/LTE) * Mesh, Sensor and PAN networks * Communication Software (Cognitive Radios, DSA, SDR) * Wireless Operating Systems and Mobile Platforms * Peer-to-Peer Networking * Cognitive Radios and White Space Networking * Stochastic Models of Communication Networks * Performance Analysis * Network Economics * Network Optimization * Optical Networks * Network Security and Cyber Security Technologies * Cloud and Utility computing * Storage Area Networks * Next Generation Web Architectures * Vehicular Networking * Energy-Efficient Networking * Network Science and Emerging Behavior in Socio-Technical Networks * Social Networking Analysis, Middleware and Applications * Networking Technologies for Smart Energy Grids * Disruption/Delay Tolerant Networking
*Conference Highlights * Keynote/Plenary/Banquet Talks Technical Paper and Poster Sessions Co-located Workshops Ph.D. Forum Panel Discussions Demos & Exhibits Mobile India 2012 Workshop
Important Dates for COMSNETS 2012 Abstract submission (HARD deadline) : *September 5th, 2011 at 11:59pm EST *Paper submission (HARD deadline) : *September 12th, 2011 at 11:59pm EST * Notification of Acceptance: November 7, 2011 Camera-Ready Submission: December 2, 2011
General Co-Chairs *K. K. Ramakrishnan*, AT&T Labs Research, USA *Rajeev Shorey*, NIIT University, India *Don Towsley*, U. Mass. at Amherst, USA
Technical Program Co-Chairs *Aditya Akella*, U. of Wisconsin, USA *Bhaskaran Raman*, IIT Bombay, India *R. Srikant*, U. of Illinois, USA
Technical Program Committee *Kevin Almeroth*, UCSB, USA *Katerina Argyraki*, EPFL, Switzerland *Gautam Barua*, IIT Guwahati, India *Srikrishna Bhashyam*, IIT Madras, India *Subir Biswas*, Michigan State University, USA *Mouli Chandramouli*, Cisco Systems *Romit Roy Choudhury*, Duke University, USA *Debabrata Das*, IIIT Bangalore, India *Supratim Deb*, Alcatel-Lucent Bell labs, Bangalore, India *UmaMaheshwari Devi*, IBM India Research Laboratory, Bangalore, India *Rudra Dutta*, North Carolina State University, India *Partha Dutta*, IBM India Research Laboratory, Bangalore, India *Nick Feamster*, GaTech, USA *Vijay Gopalakrishnan*,AT&T Labs Research, USA *Sergey Gorinsky*, IMDEA *Y.Charlie Hu*, Purdue University, USA *Stratis Ioannidis*, Technicolor *Lillykutty Jacob*, NIT Calicut, India *Sharad Jaiswal*, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Bangalore, India *Rittwik Jana*, AT&T Labs Research, USA *Juan Jose Jaramillo*, Iowa State University *Changhee Joo*, Korea University of Technology & Education *Shiv Kalyanaraman*, IBM India Research Laboratory, Bangalore, India *Jussi Kangasharju*, University of Helsinki, Finland *Koushik Kar*, RPI *Joohwan Kim*, UIUC *Ramana Kompella*, Purdue University, USA *Dejan Kostic*, EPFL, Switzerland *Joy Kuri*, IISc Bangalore, India *Carmen Guerrero López*, University Carlos III of Madrid *T.V. Lakshman*, Alcatel-Lucent *D. Manjunath*, IIT Bombay, India *Vishal Misra*, Columbia University, USA *Thyaga Nandagopal*, Alcatel-Lucent *Vishnu Navda*, Microsoft Research India *Jian Ni*, IBM TJ Watson *Joerg Ott*, Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland *Jeff Pang*, AT&T Labs Research, USA *Andrea Passarella*, IIT-CNR *Venkatesh Ramaiyan*, IIT Madras, India *A.L.Narasimha Reddy*, Texas A&M *Reza Rejaie*, University of Oregon *Vinay Ribeiro*, IIT Delhi, India *Vaishali Sadaphal*, TCS, India *Anirudha Sahoo*, IIT Bombay, India *Vyas Sekar*, Intel *Srinivasan Seshan*, CMU *Aaditeshwar Seth*, IIT Delhi, India *Anees Shaikh*, IBM TJ Watson *Srinivas Shakkottai*, Texas A&M *Puneet Sharma*, HP *Biplab Sikdar*, RPI *Krishna Sivalingam*, IIT Madras, India *Arun Somani*, Iowa State University *Vikram Srinivasan*, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Bangalore, India *Vijay Subramanian*, Northwestern University *Joe Touch*, USC/ISI *Goeff Voelker*, UCSD *Minlan Yu*, Princeton University *Murat Yuksel*, University of Nevada
Website: _http://www.comsnets.org/tpc.html_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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