Fwd: IEEE CCNC'13 Call for Submissions

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE CCNC'13 Call for Submissions Datum: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 15:35:51 -0400 Von: IEEE ComSoc Meetings meetings@comsoc.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
* IEEE CCNC 2013 Call for Submissions http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=19881709&m=2168258&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=10853737&s=http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/call.html** *
*IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=19881710&m=2168258&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=10853737&s=http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/index.html*is a major annual international conference. Held in conjunction with the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show, IEEE CCNC is organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer communications and networking. To achieve the goal, IEEE CCNC 2013 will feature a number of new initiatives, such as: - Grand Challenge - Industry Session - Tutorials (free to all registered attendees) - Demos (with chance to show to the general CES 2013 audience) - Job/internship fair
*Call for Technical Papers – Due August 1, 2012* http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=19881711&m=2168258&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=10853737&s=http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/cftp.html Submissions are welcomed in the following areas of consumer communications and networking. - Mobile Device, Platform and Applications - Social Networking & Social Media - Wireless Communications - Wireless Networking - Peer-to-Peer Networking and Cloud-based Content Distribution - Multimedia Networking, Services and Applications - Smart Spaces and Sensor Networks - Security, Content Protection and DRM - Vehicular Communications and Networking: V2V, V2I, V2R and V2U - Green Communications and Computations - eHealth, Ambient Assisted Living - Telepresence & Tele-robot - Intelligent and Emotion-oriented Computing - 3D Imaging, Processing, Communication and Display
*Call for Industry Papers – Due August 1, 2012* http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=19881712&m=2168258&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=10853737&s=http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/cfpan.html To encourage industry participation, the conference will feature separate industry sessions, different than the research sessions, which will allow presentation of the latest developments and technical solutions in the following areas of (but not limited to): - Mobile Devices, Platforms, and Communications - Social Networking, Social Media, and CrowdSourcing - Wireless Networking - Peer-to-Peer Networking and Cloud-based Content Distribution - Multimedia Networking, Services, and Applications - Smart Spaces and Sensor Networks - Security, Content Protection and DRM - Next Generation Broadband – e.g., Super WiFi and Whitespaces - Vehicular Networks - Home Networking Technologies & Services - Green Communications and Computation - eHealth, Ambient Assisted Living - Telepresence & Tele-robotics - Intelligent and Emotion-oriented Computing - 3D Imaging, Processing, Communications and Display - Innovative Multimedia Systems and Consumer Electronics - Information Integration and Analytics - Experiences with innovative applications
Submissions should describe technical and/or market challenges encountered and the innovation(s) used to overcome them. Lessons-learned from deployment and real-world use cases are also of interest.
*Call for Demonstrations – Due September 30, 2012 http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=19881713&m=2168258&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=10853737&s=http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/cfd.html** *We invite researchers and developers from academic, industrial, and government laboratories to present their novel ideas, including works in progress and results that do not warrant a full technical paper. IEEE CCNC especially welcomes demonstrations of emerging and innovative technologies that have potential commercial application from nascent and incubating companies.
There will be a unique opportunity for a small number of demonstrators to be shown at the IEEE ComSoc/CCNC booth at CES 2013. These demonstrators will be selected by the Demonstration Committee from the proposals submitted for the IEEE CCNC Demonstrations Session. Proposals must state if the proposer would like to present their prototype at CES 2013. If so, then the proposal can only be accepted if the proposer is willing to present at IEEE CCNC as well as all days of CES. A small fee will be charged to cover the costs of the booth and elevate the proposing organization or company to an official patron of IEEE CCNC 2013.
Proposals should be submitted electronically to the Demonstration Chairs: Frank den Hartog at Frank.den.Hartog@ieee.org mailto:Frank.den.Hartog@ieee.org R. Venkatesha Prasad at rvprasad@ieee.org mailto:rvprasad@ieee.org
*IEEE CCNC 2013 overlpas with the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show. *FREE Registration for CES starts July 9, 2012. (Note: Attendees must register separately for IEEE CCNC 2013 and CES 2013.)
*For more information, visit **www.ieee-ccnc.org/2013* http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=19881714&m=2168258&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=10853737&s=http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/2013.
IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor , 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016
participants (1)
Lars Wolf