[Fwd: PERVASIVE 2005 - additional submission categories now open]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: PERVASIVE 2005 - additional submission categories now open Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 17:03:57 +0100 (CET) From: Rene Mayrhofer (PERVASIVE 2005 Publicity Co-Chair) rene@soft.uni-linz.ac.at To: kahmann@tm.uka.de
3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing PERVASIVE 2005 - http://www.pervasive.ifi.lmu.de/ 8-13 May, 2005, Munich, Germany
Current submission deadlines: LoCA workshop: 17 December 2004 Late breaking results: 1 February 2005 Posters: 1 February 2005 Demos: 1 February 2005 Videos: 1 February 2005 Doctoral Colloquium: 1 February 2005 Workshops: 16 February 2005 *** submission is still open ****
PERVASIVE 2005 - additional submission categories now open --- The Third International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PERVASIVE 2005, Munich, Germany, May 8-12, 2005) is inviting submissions for Late-Breaking Results, Posters, Research Demonstrations, Videos, Doctoral Colloquium, and Workshops held in conjunction with the conference. PERVASIVE 2005 seeks to present advances in computing technology toward new modes of operation (ubiquitous, continuous, and self-organized) and toward new usage models (ambient, context-aware, and integral with human activity and environments).
The conference particularly values practical experience with design, deployment and use of pervasive systems and applications, and investigation of exciting and inspiring ideas and technologies. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Device, communication, and interaction technologies for pervasive computing * Pervasive sensing and perception, and location and context technologies * Software infrastructure for pervasive computing systems and environments * Design, implementation and evaluation of pervasive systems and applications * Pervasive computing user interfaces and user experience * Privacy, security and trust in pervasive computing
Late Breaking Results, Videos and Demonstrations ------------------------------------------------ PERVASIVE 2005 aims to be a forum to communicate novel and innovative ideas and very recent findings in pervasive computing. PERVASIVE 2005 will include a poster, video and demo program to give researchers opportunity to present their research in a variety of engaging formats. We explicitly encourage submission of late breaking results and work in progress in these categories.
For each category, we encourage the submission of a short paper describing the contribution and as an anchor point for future reference. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style and up to 4 pages. All submissions will be handled using an electronic submission system. The submission will be open beginning of January 2005. Contributions will be reviewed and accepted short papers will be published in the adjunct proceedings of PERVASIVE 2005 which will be also electronically available from the web-site. The posters will be exhibited in the main conference area throughout the program. There will be a reception dedicated to the presentation of posters and demos. Furthermore, before the reception the authors have the chance to briefly introduce their work in a single plenary session.
Please Visit the conference Web site (http://pervasive2005.org) for more information. General questions about specific categories of submissions can be addressed to the respective chairs:
Late Breaking Results Chair: Alois Ferscha ferscha@soft.uni-linz.ac.at Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Demo Chair: Thomas Strang Thomas.Strang@dlr.de German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Video Chair: Andreas Butz butz@ifi.lmu.de Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Doctoral Colloquium ------------------- A doctoral colloquium will be held directly before the main conference, as a forum for PhD students to present, discuss and defend their work in progress. This will build on the huge success of the PERVASIVE 2004 doctoral colloquium held at the University of Linz, at which 28 PhD students from around the world discussed their work with an international group of advisors selected from across the pervasive computing community.
The submission (approx. 6 pages/3000 words) should clearly state: * the original key idea of the thesis * the problem domain and the specific problem addressed * an overview of related work in the area of the PhD work * methodological approach * research carried out * the contribution made in the field of Pervasive Computing (for early work, state the expected contribution)
Submissions in PDF format using the Springer-Verlag LNCS style should be sent by February 1st 2005 electronically dc.pervasive2005@hcilab.org. The submissions will be reviewed and based on these reviews candidates for the doctoral colloquium will be selected. The accepted thesis position papers will be published in the adjunct proceedings of PERVASIVE 2005 which will be also electronically available from the web-site.
Doctorial Colloquium Chairs: Anind Dey anind@cs.cmu.edu Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Claudia Linnhoff-Popienlinnhoff@ifi.lmu.de Institute for Informatics, University of Munich
Workshops --------- Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss areas of special interest within pervasive computing with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops will be focussed and aimed at sharing of understandings, experiences, and ideas on particular aspects of pervasive computing. Eight workshops (W1-W8) will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 in Munich. The submission deadline for these workshops is February 16, 2005 and notifications of accepted submissions will be sent by Tuesday, March 8, 2005.
Additionally, there will be a workshop attached to PERVASIVE 2005 on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2005). This workshop will be held May 12-13, 2005 at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) near Munich. The submission deadline for LoCA 2005 is December 17, 2004 and notifications of accepted submissions will be sent by Monday, January 31, 2005.
Please note that prospective workshop attendees require an invitation from the workshop organizers based on acceptance of submitted papers or explicit request. Upon acceptance, attendees will need to explicitly register for the workshop, which will include a separate workshop fee, in addition to registering for the main conference.
Workshop titles and organizers are listed below. Prospective authors are encouraged to visit the updated Workshop Call for Participation at the PERVASIVE 2005 web site (www.pervasive2005.org), and/or visit individual workshop homepages (listed below and at the PERVASIVE 2005 web site).
General questions about the workshops can be addressed to the Workshop Chair (Antonio Kruger, krueger@cs.uni-sb.de); specific questions about any individual workshop should be directed to the organizer(s) of the workshop.
PERVASIVE 2005 workshops:
W1 What makes for good application-led research in ubiquitous computing? Organizers: George Coulouris (Cambridge University), Tim Kindberg (HP Labs), Bernt Schiele (TU Darmstadt), Albrecht Schmidt (University of Munich), Kasim Rehman (Cambridge University) URL: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ubiappwsweb/
W2 International Workshop on Software Techniques for Embedded and Pervasive Systems (STEPS), 2005 Organizers: Mauricio Varea, (University of Southampton), Luis A. Cortes, (Linkoping University) URL: http://www.asap.ecs.soton.ac.uk/steps/
W3 PerGames 2005: Second International Workshop on Pervasive Gaming Applications Organizers: Carsten Magerkurth (Fraunhofer IPSI), Adrian David Cheok (National University of Singapore), Trond Nilsen (HitLabNZ), Regan Mandryk (Simon Fraser University) URL: http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/ambiente/pergames2005
W4 Auditory Displays for Mobile Context-Aware Systems Organizers: Richard Etter (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology), Marcus Specht(Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology), Bruce Walker (Georgia Institute of Technology), Gerhard Eckel (Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication) URL: http://www.fit.fraunhofer.de/~etter/audiodisplay/
W5 Software Architectures for Self-Organization: Beyond Ad-Hoc Networking Organizers: Thomas Kirste (Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Darmstadt), Alois Ferscha (University of Linz), Anind Dey (Intel Research, Berkeley), Khai Truong (Georgia Institute of Technology) URL: http://www.igd.fhg.de/igd-a1/saso05
W6 Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (PERMID 2005) Organizers: Enrico Rukzio (University of Munich), Jonna Hakkila (Nokia Corporation), Jani Mäntyjärvi (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), Mirjana Spasojevic (Hewlett Packard Labs), Nishkam Ravi (Rutgers University) URL: http://www.medien.ifi.lmu.de/permid2005/
W7 User Experience Design for Pervasive Computing Organizers: Lucia Terrenghi (LMU Munich University), Irma Lindt (Fraunhofer FIT), Andreas Butz (LMU Munich University), Mike Kuniavsky (Independent Consultant) URL: http://www.fluidum.org/events/experience05/
W8 ECHISE 2005 - 1st International Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories in Smart Environments Organizers: Thorsten Prante (Fraunhofer IPSI), Brian Meyers (Microsoft Research), Geraldine Fitzpatrick (University of Sussex), Lonnie D. Harvel (Georgia Institute of Technology) URL: http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/ambiente/echise2005
LoCA 2005 - International Workshop on Location- and Context-Awareness Organizers: Thomas Strang (German Aerospace Center, DLR) Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (University of Munich) URL: http://loca2005.context-aware.org/
Rene Mayrhofer rene@soft.uni-linz.ac.at, Khai N. Truong khai@cc.gatech.edu PERVASIVE 2005 Publicity Co-Chairs
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Verena Kahmann