-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE INFOCOM'17 IECCO CFP Datum: Sat, 22 Oct 2016 00:18:13 +0000 Von: Richard Yu RichardYu@CUNET.CARLETON.CA Antwort an: Richard Yu RichardYu@CUNET.CARLETON.CA An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
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--------------------- Call For Papers --------------------- IEEE INFOCOM 2017 Workshop on Integrating Edge Computing, Caching, and Offloading in Next Generation Networks (IECCO) --------------------- Aim & Scope: The Workshop on "Integrating Edge Computing, Caching, and Offloading in Next Generation Networks" provides a forum for discussions of the up-to-date developments in integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading in next generation networks, and brings together industry and academia, engineers and researchers. The workshop invites submissions of the unpublished works on the following topics (but not limited to):
* Trends and challenges of integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Low-latency offload infrastructure * Micro data cells/centers for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Cloudlets for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading networks * Supporting real-time multimedia services over edge computing, caching, and offloading networks * Software-defined networking, caching, and edge computing * Architectures and protocols for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Designs and optimizations for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Information-centric networks * Content-centric networks * Cache-enabled networks * Computation offloading in networks * Networks for cloud computing * Networks for edge/fog computing * Integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading in 5G cellular networks * Energy efficient hardware, software, networks and services * QoS provisioning and resource management in integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Modeling and performance evaluation of integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Performance/complexity/cost tradeoff * Pricing and billing for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Security and privacy for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Green and sustainable edge computing, caching, and offloading * Big data for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Signal processing for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Information theory for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Interdisciplinary research for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading * Standards, policies, and regulations for integrating edge computing, caching, and offloading --------------------- Paper submission: https://edas.info/chair.php?c=23045 For submission guidelines, please follow instructions on the INFOCOM website. --------------------- Committees: General Chair: Victor C. M. Leung, The University of British Columbia, BC, Canada
TPC Co-Chairs: Xi Zhang, Texas A&M University, TX, USA F. Richard Yu, Carleton University, ON, Canada Shengrong Bu, University of Glasgow, UK
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf