[Fwd: [Tccc] [Reminder] [CFP] IEEE TSPUC 2006 - workshop affiliated with IEEE WoWMoM 2006]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] [Reminder] [CFP] IEEE TSPUC 2006 - workshop affiliated with IEEE WoWMoM 2006 Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 11:33:43 +0100 From: Pietro Michiardi Pietro.Michiardi@eurecom.fr To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
---------------------------------------------------------- IEEE International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing (TSPUC2006) Niagara-Falls, NY, USA 26 June 2006 (workshop affiliated with IEEE WoWMoM 2006) -----------------------------------------------------------
This workshop aims at focusing the attention of the research community on the increasing complexity and relevance of trust, privacy and security issues in ubiquitous computing.
TOPICS Suggested submission topics include, but are not limited to the following ones in mobile (ad Hoc) networks, sensor networks, P2P systems, portable/embedded/wearable devices ...
· Key establishment and distribution · Access control models, policies and mechanisms · Trust and reputation management · Privacy and identity management · Digital assets management · Context/location aware computation · Self-organizing networks/communities · Intrusion and anomaly detection · Secure user-device interfaces · Distributed consensus in the presence of active adversaries · Analysis/simulation/validation techniques · Handling emergent properties · Phishing - attacks and countermeasures · Case studies
IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: Jan. 17, 2006 Author Notification: Feb. 28, 2006 Final version: Mar. 17, 2006 Workshop: 26 Jun. 2006
WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS · Virgil Gligor (University of Maryland, US) · Fabio Martinelli (IIT-CNR, Italy) . Pietro Michiardi (EURECOM, France) . Refik Molva (EURECOM, France)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Claude Castelluccia, INRIA Bruno Crispo, Vrije University Breno De Medeiros, Florida State University Xuhua Ding, Singapre Management University Valérie Issarny, INRIA Yongdae Kim, University of Minnesota Donggang Liu, University of Texas at Arlington Javier Lopez, University of Malaga Luigi Mancini, University of Rome Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Purdue University Marinella Petrocchi, Istituto di Informatica e Telematica Radha Poovendran, University of WA Joachim Posegga, University of Hamburg Yves Roudier, Institut Eurecom Shiuhpyng Shieh, Nat'l Chiao Tung University Paul Syverson, Naval Research Laboratory Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University Gene Tsudik, University of California, Irvine Shouhuai Xu, University of Texas San Antonio Xiaowei Yang, University of California, Irvine
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Paper submitted to IEEE TSPUC2006 should neither have been published elsewhere, nor currently under review by another workshop, conference or journal.
As accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings published by IEEE, we recommend to format manuscripts according to the IEEE double-column standard format, except the font size, which must be Times Roman 11pt (or greater). Authors should use only standard fonts, i.e., Times Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Helvetica, or equivalent. Papers that will be significantly exceed page limit of 5 pages will be automatically rejected.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf