Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Cfp 1st workshop on Pervasive Systems in the IoT era (PERSIST-IoT) @ACM MobiHoc 2019

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Valeria Loscri valeria.loscri@INRIA.FR Gesendet: 18. März 2019 13:56:44 MEZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Cfp 1st workshop on Pervasive Systems in the IoT era (PERSIST-IoT) @ACM MobiHoc 2019
[Our apologizes for multiple copies of this cfp] ****************************************************************************************************** 1st Workshop on Pervasive Systems in the IoT era (PERSIST-IoT) in conjunction with ACM MobiHoc 2019 2 – 5 July 2019, Catania (Italy) http://www.grc.upv.es/persist-iot2019/ http://www.grc.upv.es/persist-iot2019/ ****************************************************************************************************** Call for Papers
Leveraging on the global interconnection of billions of tiny smart objects, the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is fostering the idea of Pervasive Smart Systems (PSSs), where all the data gathered by different “things” can be analyzed and used to improve the livability, the safety and the security of the environment, and to make IoT user lives easier. However, despite the research advancements in recent years, many open issues still prevent the full realization of such vision.
To meet the requirements of PSSs, telecommunication systems should deliver significantly high data rates, traffic capacity, connection density, energy efficiency, as well as small latencies. Being massively distributed into the environment, smart things may generate, collect, exchange and process big data, provide distributed services, offer computational resources, and cooperate to perform some tasks locally, as well as to delegate their execution to more powerful nodes in the cloud or at the network edge. In addition to the traditional pull-based data delivery, push-based and publish/subscribe traffic patterns must be supported. To accommodate newly emerging services, the network infrastructure should be agile, cost effective and possibly softwarized. Finally, meeting security and privacy requirements will play a fundamental role in the PSSs; indeed, without effective mechanisms, attacks and malfunctions in the IoT will outweigh any of their benefits.
The PERSIST-IoT workshop aims to solicit a collection of innovative papers reporting the most recent advancements in the fields of smart network architecture, protocols and practical implementations enabling IoT for smart systems applications. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to the following:
Topics of interests could be: * Models of network component interactions for IoT systems; * Distributed sensing and control in pervasive systems; * Mobile-aware cloud computing models, infrastructures, and approaches for pervasive systems; * Mobile edge computing for smart environments; * Crowdsourcing in smart environments; * Novel communication protocols for M2M/MTC communication; * Novel networking paradigms (e.g., ICN, SDN) for IoT; * Energy efficient solutions for IoT; * Reliability, security, privacy and trust in pervasive systems; * Business models to promote user collaboration and resource sharing in pervasive systems; * Interaction of human-IoT for pervasive systems * Social networking in IoT architecture and middleware; * Social IoT models, e.g., co-location, co-work, ownership, and etc. * Cyber-physical-social security for pervasive systems * Social-based routing protocols and architectures for pervasive systems * Testbeds, applications, business, standards, and social issues
Important Dates: Abstract Registration: April 1, 2019 Submission deadline: April 7, 2019 Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2019 Camera Ready: May 12, 2019 Program: May 31, 2018
Authors information: Papers should be submitted via the HotCRP submission website.
Papers should not exceed 6 pages (US letter size) double column including figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format. Papers must be submitted electronically in printable PDF form. Templates for the standard ACM format can be found here: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.
If you are using LaTeX, please refer to the sample file “sample-sigconf.tex” after you download the .zip templates file and unzip it. Note that the document class “\documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}” should be used. No changes to margins, spacing, or font sizes are allowed from those specified by the style files. Papers violating the formatting guidelines will be returned without review.
All submissions will be reviewed using a single-blind review process. The identity of referees will not be revealed to authors, but author can keep their names on the submitted papers, on figures, bibliography, etc.
General Chairs: Valeria Loscrì (INRIA Lille-Nord Europe, France) Giuseppe Ruggeri (University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy) Anna Maria Vegni (Roma Tre University, Italy)
TPC Chairs: Syed Hassan Ahmed (Georgia Southern University, USA.) Carlos Tavares Calafate (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) Ivan W.H. Ho (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) De-Nian Yang (Institute of Information Science Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Steering Committee: Abderrahim Benslimane (University of Avignon, France) Kwang-Cheng Chen (University of South Florida, USA) Pietro Manzoni (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Valeria Loscri Research Scientist FUN Team
Inria Lille-Nord Europe. Parc scientifique de la Haute Borne 40, Avenue Halley - Bât A - Park Plaza 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - France
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf