[westphal@lrg.ufsc.br: [cfp] [ieee-cnom] Workshop Middleware Grid Computing 2004 (fwd)]

----- Forwarded message from Carlos Becker Westphall westphal@lrg.ufsc.br -----
Call For Papers
*****2nd Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing - MGC 2004******
In conjunction with the 5th International Middleware Conference 2004 Toronto, Ontario, Canada - October 18th, 2004
website MGC2004: http://mgc2004.lncc.br website Middleware 2004: http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/middleware2004/
*** deadline: 10th June 2004 ****
Workshop Proceedings: selected papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. After the workshop some presented papers (extended versions) will be invited to a special issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal for 2005.
Topics of Interest: In this Workshop we would encourage researchers from the various GRID middleware communities to submit and present original work for publication. Overall topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Classic Grid Middleware - Object Oriented technologies or Component Middleware - WSRF/OGSA/Web services - Grid Middleware Architectures - Data Grid Services and Middlewares - Grid Services - Grid Middleware Security - Resource Management and Scheduling - Strategies and protocols for obtaining QoS - Semantic Grid - Managing Information in Grid Middleware - Grid Object Metadata and Schemas - Programming Models, Tools, and Environments - Performance Evaluation and Modeling - Evolution of and experiences with Grid systems - Wireless Grids - Dependability and Fault Tolerance in Grids - Virtualization in Grids
Paper Submission: The Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. Papers should not exceed 4-6 single-spaced pages of text using 10 point size type on A4 paper. Authors should submit a PostScript (level 2) or PDF file that will print on a PostScript printer.Some papers may be selected to be presented as posters. Electronic only submission on the workshop homepage (or contact schulze@lncc.br).
Important Dates: Paper submissions: July 10th, 2004 Papers Not. of acceptance: August 10th, 2004 Papers Camera-ready: September 1st, 2004
* Radha Nandkumar - NCSA/UIUC, US * Bruno Schulze - LNCC, BR
Program Committee (preliminar)
* David Abramson - Monash Univ., AU * Cristiana Amza - Univ. Toronto, CA * Rajkumar Buyya - Univ. Melbourne, AU * Jim Basney - NCSA/UIUC, USA * Emmanuel Cecchet - INRIA Alpes, FR * Renato Cerqueira - PUC-Rio, BR * Geoff Coulson - Lancaster Univ., UK * Geoffrey Fox - Univ. Indiana , US * Wolfgang Gentzsch - MCNC, US * Kate Keahey - Univ. Chicago and ANL, US * Edmundo Madeira - UNICAMP, BR * Radha Nandkumar - NCSA/UIUC, US - Workshop Co-Chair * Andrea Omicini - Univ. Bologna, IT * Fabio Porto - LNCC, BR - Publicity Co-Chair * Omer Rana - Cardiff Univ.- UK * Vinod Rebello - UFF, BR * Bruno Schulze - LNCC, BR - Workshop Co-Chair * Stefan Tai - IBM T J Watson, US * Carlos Westphall - UFSC , BR
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participants (1)
Marc Bechler