[Fwd: IEEE Security & Privacy Conference - Final Call for Papers!]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IEEE Security & Privacy Conference - Final Call for Papers! Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 12:09:07 -0500 From: CommunicationsSociety@comsoc.org Reply-To: Conferencesx@comsoc.org To: conferencesx@comsoc.org
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*IEEE International Conference on Security and Privacy for **Emerging Areas in Communication Networks (SECURECOMM) 5-9 September 2005 / Athens, Greece / *http://www.securecomm.org http://www.securecomm.org/
*Final Call for Papers Submissions: Deadline _extended_ to March 24, 2005 **/(was March 18) /*The title/abstract MUST be registered by March 24, 11.50PM PST. Final paper uploaded by April 1, 2005, 11.50PM PST. * VISIT www.securecomm.org http://www.securecomm.org/ for details!*
*SCOPE*: The focus of this conference is two-fold: 1. Security and Privacy in wireless, mobile, ad hoc, sensor, personal-area and RFID networks 2. Security and Privacy in pervasive and ubiquitous computing
The conference will bring together academic, industrial and government researchers, practitioners, standards developers and policy makers.
*Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * 1. Wireless Network Security (WiFi, WiMAX, WiMedia and others) 2. Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security 3. Security of GSM/GPRS/UMTS systems 4. RFID security and privacy 5. Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems, tolerance and recovery 6. Firewalls and Application gateways for wireless/mobile networks and pervasive/ubiquitous computing 7. Public key infrastructures for wireless/mobile networks and pervasive/ubiquitous computing 8. Web Security, Authentication and Authorization in wireless/mobile networks and pervasive/ubiquitous computing 9. Privacy/Anonymity Preserving Design in wireless/mobile networks and pervasive/ubiquitous computing 10. E-commerce protocols and micro payment schemes 11. Secure Localization systems 12. Security in hybrid (e.g., wireline/wireless) networks
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Lars Wolf