[Fwd: [Tccc] [WiTMeMo'05 CFP] International workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling in conjuction with MobiSys'05]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] [WiTMeMo'05 CFP] International workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling in conjuction with MobiSys'05 Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 12:16:12 -0500 From: papadopo@email.unc.edu CC: maria@cs.unc.edu
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Call For Papers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
International workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling WiTMeMo'05
in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'05)
June 5, 2005 Seattle, WA
Overview -------- The rapid deployment of wireless infrastructures in various environments triggers new applications and services that in turn generate a richer set of traces for analysis. There is a need for more realistic models of traffic, mobility, and association patterns. This can be beneficial in capacity planning, administration, and deployment of wireless infrastructures, protocol design for wireless applications and services, and their performance analysis.
The Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling workshop is intended to serve as a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to exchangeand discuss their experiences and research results about all aspects of measurements and modeling of applications, usage, access, load, and mobility in wireless networks. It will also initiate discussions on how to use these models to improve the performance of wireless networks. Furthermore, it aims in enhancing and accelerating the process of sharing traces, implementations, and test suites.
In this workshop, we would like to solicit short, 6 pages, papers that report on experiences obtained from operational wireless experiments in testbeds or the field. We will use the EDAS system for the paper submission. We plan to get industrial sponsorship to support a best paper and award and a keynotespeaker. Along with regular presentations we plan to have speakers and/or panel discussions that encourage more active participation of the attendees.
Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:
* Methods for collecting and analyzing measurements in different wireless environments (infrastructures, sensor networks) * Workload characterization and traffic analysis * User mobility modeling * Measurements and predictions of user access over multiple networks * Software tools in support of measurements * Measurement-based inference of network properties (for normal or abnormal behavior, network topology, hot spots) * Design of monitoring systems, sampling methods, and anomaly detection * Temporal and spatial evolution of wireless networks * Evaluation of forecasting algorithms for wireless traffic load * Comparative analysis on different wireless networks * Techniques for improving the repeatability of tests
Deadlines --------- Paper submission due -------------March 10, 2005
Notification of acceptance -------- April 10, 2005
Camera-ready papers due ---------- May 6, 2005
Chairs --------- Maria Papadopouli (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) maria@cs.unc.edu Dina Papagiannaki (Intel Research Cambridge) dina.papagiannaki@intel.com
Program Committee ----------------------- Mary Baker (HP Labs) Suman Banerjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Andrew Campbell (Columbia University) Paul Castro (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) Christophe Diot (Intel Research) Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland at College Park) Tristan Henderson (Dartmouth College) Felix Hernandez-Campos (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Xiaoqiao Meng (University of California, Los Angeles) Maria Papadopouli (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Dina Papagiannaki (Intel Research Cambridge) Pablo Rodriguez (Microsoft Research Ltd, Cambridge) Haipeng Shen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Suresh Singh (Portland State University) Leandros Tassiulas (University of Thessaly) Mark Yarvis (Intel Corporation) _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@cs.columbia.edu http://lists.cs.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf