Fwd: CFP: SECON 2011 GASCoN workshop

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP: SECON 2011 GASCoN workshop Datum: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 02:47:40 -0700 Von: Satyajayant Misra misra@cs.nmsu.edu An: Satyajayant Misra misra@cs.nmsu.edu CC: Bhaskar Krishnamachari bkrishna@usc.edu, liu@cs.ucdavis.edu, Krishna Kant krishna.kant@intel.com, Zhisheng Niu niuzhs@tsinghua.edu.cn, "Steven Y. Ko" stevko@buffalo.edu, "Alva L. Couch" couch@cs.tufts.edu, Fred Bauer fred@fredbauer.com
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IEEE SECON 2011 Workshop on Green And Sustainable Communication Networks (GASCoN)
Webpage: http://www.ieee-secon.com/GASCoN/
This workshop invites papers on a broad range of topics that pertain to networks that are energy efficient, reusable, long-lived, and that enable other sustainability initiatives for our planet. It has been estimated that information and communication technologies (ICT) account for about 600 billion kWh of electricity usage annually, about 400 million metric tons of CO2 emissions each year. Therefore, there is great emerging interest in the design of networks which are energy-efficient, reusable, and yield a lower carbon footprint. There are many other ways in which communication networks can be deployed to enable initiatives pertaining to environmental sustainability; for instance, networks can be deployed to monitor air pollution, or manage energy utilization of buildings. And in a different, but related notion of sustainability, some application require the deployment and management of networks that can be sustainably operated over long periods, such as networks for monitoring earthquakes and tsunamis.
We welcome papers on topics including but not limited to:
Sustainable Networking * Green network architectures and protocols * Energy-efficient network hardware * Novel queuing models with energy-oriented metrics * Energy-QoS tradeoffs in network planning and operation * Energy consumption profiling in networks * Network economics for incentivizing sustainable user behavior
Networks for Sustainability * Network infrastructure for smart energy use * Communication networks enabling renewable energy use * Networks deployed to monitor biodiversity, environmental quality, including underwater networks
Long-lived Networks * Networks utilizing energy harvesting * Long-lived and self-sustaining network deployments * Energy storage and transfer networks * Networks for monitoring earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters
Important Dates: Submission deadline: March 31, 2011 Notification date: April 22, 2011 Camera-ready date: May 2, 2011
Paper Submission Instructions:
All paper submissions will be handled electronically through EDAS system (http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=10569). The paper must be formatted according to IEEE conference proceedings style in two-column format, with a maximum of six pages (including figures, tables, and references) using fonts of 10-point size.
Chairs: Zhisheng Niu (Tsinghua University, China) Bhaskar Krishnamachari (University of Southern California, USA)
Web Chair: Kyuho Son (University of Southern California, USA)
Technical Program Committee: Geoffrey Ye Li (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Wenyi Zhang (University of Science & Technology of China, China) Wei Zhang (The University of New South Wales, Australia) Wendi Heinzelman (University of Rochester, USA) Adam Wierman (Caltech, USA) Ao Kevin Tang (Cornell University, USA) Yung Yi (KAIST, Korea) Sujata Banerjee (Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA) Lin Zhang (Tsinghua University, China) Sanjay Ranka (University of Florida) ============================================================================== With best regards, -Jay
-- Satyajayant Misra Assistant Professor Computer Science Department New Mexico State University Homepage: http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~misra
participants (1)
Lars Wolf