[Fwd: [AAS] News 1 Apr. 2006]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AAS] News 1 Apr. 2006 Datum: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 20:50:02 +0100 Von: Roy Sterritt r.sterritt@ulster.ac.uk An: undisclosed-recipients:;
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Autonomous & Autonomic Systems ----------- -------------------------- News -------------------------- ---------------------- 1 Apr. 2006 ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Contents: --------- 1. CFP AN (Deadline early reg.3 Apr 2006) 2. CFPn ACC-06 (Deadline 15 Apr 2006) 3. CF Comments EU FET FP7 (Deadline 15 Apr 2006)
Autonomic Networking 2006
IFIP TC6 Conference, sponsored by WG6.2 (Network and Internetwork Architectures), WG6.6 (Management of Networks and Distributed Systems), WG6.7 (Smart Networks) France Télécom - Paris - France - Sept. 25-29, 2006
"Autonomic Networking" will be the first international conference on all the aspects of autonomic networking (architecture, services, tools, security, communications, ...). This conference groups four past events: SMARTNET focused on tools for the autonomy; INTELLCOMM on autonomic management and services, IWAN on active networks and WAC on autonomic communications. Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to, the following:
Tools for the autonomic networking Intelligent agent and multi agent system , Rule-based systems Distributed game control Genetic algorithms, machine learning tools for autonomic systems Policy-based management Computer-supported cooperative works Distributed software development and maintenance Emergent control and robotic systems Real-time event control and management Software defined/configured radio Process and resource allocation and modeling Tools for modeling, analysis, testing and validation Open network interfaces Autonomic Network stability Context-aware Networks & Services Quality of Autonomic Networks & Services Experiences from Testbeds and Trials
Autonomic management and services Intelligent control, routing and management Automated configuration management Self healing networks ; proactive security and resilience Bio inspired security and networking systems Management of nomadicity QoS, traffic engineering Sensor networks and ad hoc networks Traffic and transportation control: logistics systems Value added services and multimedia services Autonomic Management and/or Services Architectures and Life-cycle Self- management and context-aware Management Overlay Network Management Service-aware Overlays Quality of Context Management Experiences from Testbeds and Trials
Active Networks Mobile code and network programmability Service programmability Self-organisation of services Experiences from Testbeds and Trials
Autonomic communications Theoretical foundations of autonomic network control Designing evolvable next generation networks Self-organisation for NGN Autonomic Communications testbeds Modelling and analysis of Autonomic Communication systems Generic network-level service composition Context handling within Autonomic Communications Applied Autonomic Communication systems Self-organised communications Context and/or Autonomic Ontologies Quality of Context Management
R. Kung (France Télécom, FR) H. Zimmermann (Ginkgo-Networks, FR)
D. Gaïti (University of Troyes, FR) G. Pujolle (UPMC, FR)
R. Boutaba (University of Waterloo, CA) P. Chemouil (FT, FR) I. Chlamtac (University of Trento, IT) R. Popescu Zeletin (Fokus, DE) F. Sestini (European Commission, EC) J. Strassner (Motorola Research Labs, USA)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE -tools for autonomic networking (SMARTNET) O. Martikainen (University of OULU and ETLA, FI) - chairman
PROGRAM COMMITTEE -autonomic management and services (INTELLCOMM) E. Al Shaer (DePaul University, USA) - chairman
PROGRAM COMMITTEE -active networks (IWAN) K. Calvert (University of Kentucky, USA) - co-chairs G. Leduc (University of Liege, BE) - co-chairs
PROGRAM COMMITTEE - autonomic communications (WAC) S. Dobson (UCD, IR) - chairman
ORGANISING COMMITTEE M. Salaun (FT, FR) - chairman
SUBMISSION Submissions should be original and limited to 20 double spaced 12 point pages in length. Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically through the EDAS web site. The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Digital Library of IFIP TC6 (free access) and the best papers will be published in the IFIP TC6 Journal also available free of charge in the Digital Library of IFIP TC6. A best paper award will be distributed.
Important deadlines April 7, 2006 Papers due May 26, 2006 Authors notified of acceptance June 30, 2006 Final papers due
Further information For more information please visit the web site at www.autonomic-net.org
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ACC 2006, 2nd IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic Communications and Computing, Niagara-Falls, Buffalo-NY. 26 June 2006 http://www.autonomic-communication.org/acc/index.html
Ubiquitous and self-organized Internet, ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks are expected to be some of the basic building blocks of pervasive computing environments. However, the promise of pervasive computing environments will not be realized unless these systems can effectively "disappear". In order to do that they need to become autonomous by managing their own evolution and configuration changes without explicit user or administrator action.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum between the autonomic computing and autonommic communication communities to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences among researchers, professionals, and application developers both from industry and academia.
Architecture and models for autonomic communication and computing systems
Tools and techniques for designing, analyzing and building autonomic systems and networks
Adaptive security for self protection of systems and networks
Economic, biological and social models used for autonomic communications
Novel management techniques for autonomic communication and computing systems
Sensing, monitoring and measurements for self-managing systems and networks
Languages, development and securely programmable environments for autonomic communications systems
Advanced technologies for enabling autonomic communication and computing systems
Autonomic communication and computing testbeds and measurements
Workshop Co-Organizers ----------------------------- Raouf Boutaba School of Computer Science University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1 Email: rboutaba@uwaterloo.ca
Silvia Giordano Dept. of Technologies and Innovations University of Applied Science – SUPSI Galleria 2 - Via Cantonale 6928 Manno - Switzerland Email: silvia.giordano@supsi.ch and silvia.giordano@iit.cnr.it
Michael Smirnov Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31_ _10589 Berlin, Germany Email: smirnow@fokus.fraunhofer.de
As FET (Future and Emerging Technologies, the long-term research part of the EU IST programme) is defining the detailed content of the next calls in the forthcoming 7th Framework Programme of Research (FP7), your input is sought and will be crucial for us in order to identify priority research challenges. These are the last days (until 15/4/2006) to submit your comments to the consultation forum at www.beyond-the-horizon.net, on topics including Pervasive Computing and Communications and Security. All these themes, and other ideas for new research directions openly submitted, are also accessible through the FET consultation forum at http://www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/id.htm .
To actively stimulate reflections on long-term research in security for FET in FP7, I also wish to invite you to the open workshop DISTTRUST http://www.disttrust.org/ which will take place soon after INFOCOM, on 28 April 2006 in Barcelona, Spain. This workshop will discuss the following long-term emerging research directions:
* Evolutionary and Adaptive Security * Privacy and Trust for Dynamic Coalitions * Distributed Security
Please do not hesitate to forward this message to anybody else who might be interested.
Kind regards,
Fabrizio Sestini
FET Future and Emerging Technologies DG Information Society & Media European Commission Office J-54 01/131, B-1049 Brussels tel. +32-2-2995260 fax +32-2-2968390 fabrizio.sestini@cec.eu.int
participants (1)
Lars Wolf