[Fwd: IEEE DS-RT'2003 - Special Session Call for Papers - Collaborative Virtual Environments]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IEEE DS-RT'2003 - Special Session Call for Papers - Collaborative Virtual Environments Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 01:56:33 -0300 From: Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare mirela@newsite.com.br To: mirela@ieee.org
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Special Session Call for Papers Due Date; June 20th, 2003.
Special Session: Haptic Audio Visual Collaborative Virtual Environments
In Conjunction with the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2003). October 23-25, Delft, The Netherlands http://www.cs.unibo.it/ds-rt2003/
In conjunction with 15th European Simulation Symposium (ESS 2003) October 26-29, 2003, Delft, The Netherlands
Hosted by the Delft University of Technology
SPECIAL SESSION This special session will be dedicated to the design, development and use of Haptic Audio Visual collaborative virtual environments.
The papers of the special session will be included in the Proceedings of The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications published by IEEE-CS press.
RESEARCH TOPICS We invite submissions on the full range of CVE-related topics, including, but not limited to:
- the design and development of collaborative virtual environment systems and architectures - applications of Collaborative Virtual Environments - Haptic-based input/output methods - user-environment interactions issues in the design of cross-cultural collaborative virtual environments - experiences and evaluations of virtual collaborative environments and their applications
******DEADLINES FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS******* Submission deadlines for Papers is June 20 2003 per e-mail to:
Notification of acceptance: July 2, 2003
Final Version: July 14, 2003
SUBMISSION Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 20 pages. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere.
Authors are encouraged to submit papers in electronic form, PDF, postscript or Microsoft Word 6.0 (or higher) only. Please submit papers to Abdulmotaleb EL Saddik (elsaddik@site.uottawa.ca). Each submission, electronic or paper, must be accompanied by the following information: - a short abstract - a complete list of authors and their affiliations - a contact person for correspondence - postal and e-mail addresses.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf