Fwd: [Mycolleagues] CFP: IEEE Wireless Communications - Wireless Communications at Nanoscale

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Von: Sasitharan Balasubramaniam sasib@tssg.org Datum: 30. September 2011 20:18:22 MESZ An: mycolleagues@mailman.ufsc.br Betreff: [Mycolleagues] CFP: IEEE Wireless Communications - Wireless Communications at Nanoscale Antwort an: admmyc@gmail.com
[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.] _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Submission deadline: February 1, 2012 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Incredible improvements in nanotechnologies have enabled the vision of nanonetworks composed of a number of nanomachines communicating with each other for a specific nanoscale application. Unlike conventional communication systems, communicating at the wireless nanoscale brings along new challenges. For example, new frequency bands have to be utilized ‚in the order of the Terahertz‚ due to the size of nanomachines and, thus, their antennas; also nanonetworks require a large set of functions to be performed including addressing, information propagation, medium access control. However, traditional solutions may not be applied due to very strict constraints in terms of computing/communication capabilities characterizing nanomachines.
This special issue aims to capture the state-of-the-art by soliciting original (unpublished and not currently under review) and novel contributions on wireless communications at the nanoscale in areas including (but not limited to) the following:
- Architectures, topologies, and algorithms for wireless nanoscale
communications and nanonetworks
- Modeling and analysis of wireless nano communications
- Wireless nanoscale communications with nano-optics and nano-photonics
- Information theoretical approaches to wireless nanoscale communications
- Nano components/structures for wireless communications (e.g., graphene,
nanoribbons, carbon nanotubes (CNT))
- Wireless nanoscale ad hoc and sensor networks
- Wireless quantum communication networks
- Applications for wireless nanoscale communications
- New wireless nanoscale communication paradigms
- Energy models for wireless nano communications
- Protocols for wireless electromagnetic/molecular communications
Submission Instructions and Important Dates: ____________________________________________
Authors must follow the IEEE Wireless Communications guidelines for preparation of the manuscript and submit it via Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-wcm. Articles should have no more than 4500 words, no more than 6 tables/figures, the abstract should have no more than 250 words. With regard to both content and formatting style of the submissions, prospective contributors should follow the IEEE Wireless Communications guidelines for authors that can be found at: http://dl.comsoc.org/livepubs/pci/info/sub_guidelines.html.
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2012 Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2012 Final Manuscripts Due: July 1, 2012 Publication Date: October, 2012
Guest Editors: ____________________________________________
Laura GALLUCCIO (laura.galluccio@dieei.unict.it) University of Catania, Italy
Ozgur B. AKAN (akan@ku.edu.tr) Koc University, Turkey
Sasitharan BALASUBRAMANIAM (sasib@tssg.org) Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland.
Raghupathy SIVAKUMAR (siva@ece.gatech.edu) Georgia Institute of Technology, USA _______________________________________________ Mycolleagues mailing list Mycolleagues@mailman.ufsc.br http://mailman.ufsc.br/mailman/listinfo/mycolleagues
participants (1)
Lars Wolf