Fwd: IEEE IECON 2013 Call for papers

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE IECON 2013 Call for papers Datum: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 19:29:01 -0600 Von: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ieee-ies@auburn.edu An: undisclosed-recipients: ;
The 39th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
IECON 2013
10-13 November 2013, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Call for Papers
IECON 2013 is the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence.
The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship. Papers with new research results are encouraged for submission.
IECON 2013 will be held concurrently with the 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE 2013) and the first IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES 2013).
In addition, IECON 2013 will host the IES Industry Forum as part of the conference. Participation in all these events just requires a single conference registration fee.
The world's industry, research, and academia are cordially invited to participate in the wealth of presentations, regular sessions, special sessions, tutorials social activities, and furthermore, enjoy beautiful Vienna.
Topics of interest include:
Power Electronics & Energy Conversion
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development
Power Systems
Electronic System on Chip & Real Time Embedded Control
Signal and Image Processing & Computational Intelligence
Electrical Machines & Drives
Control Systems & Applications
Sensors, Actuators and Systems Integration
Mechatronics & Robotics
Factory Automation & Industrial Informatics
Information Processing and Communications
Accepted and presented papers may be published in the final technical program, and may be indexed in IEEE Xplore and EI Compendex, subject to final approval by the Conference Technical Committee.
For more information, visit the conference web page http://www.iecon2013.org
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf