Fwd: CFP: IEEE International Workshop on Management Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing (MICMC 2005)

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From: Hanan Lutfiyya hanan@csd.uwo.ca Date: 03. Februar 2005 0:52:43 Uhr MEZ To: im2005tpc@comsoc.org Subject: CFP: IEEE International Workshop on Management Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing (MICMC 2005)
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Call for Papers IEEE International Workshop on Management Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing (MICMC 2005) http://www.csd.uwo.ca/MICMC2005 co-located with IM 2005 http://www.im2005/org
Nice, France, May 15 2005
Program Co-chairs
Hanan Lutfiyya, University of Western Ontario, Canada (hanan@csd.uwo.ca) Hossam Hassanein, Queen's University, Canada (hossam@cs.queensu.ca)
We are seeing an increased demand for mobilility which is seen as a way to enhance the reach of networked services e.g., allowing mobile users to connect to an application, enhance networked applications e.g., using the user's location with a resource discovery protocol to discover the "nearest" service with respect to the user's location, and develop new applications e.g., using mobile ad-hoc networks to exchange information between emergency teams in disaster recovery. Providing a management infrastructure in an environment where increasingly the computing environments incorporate wireless and wired components such that the distinctions are fuzzy and that provides information not only "anytime anywhere" but also "all the time everywhere" in a timely and seamless fashion presents many challenging research problems.
The goal of this workshop is to gather people with different backgrounds to analyze and discuss challenges and possible solutions in providing a management infrastructures for mobile computing environments. Areas of interest include location management, Quality of Service (QoS) management, security management, management of of handoffs among content providers, and managing adaptive offloading.
Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
-managing the organization of MANETs and sensor networks -adaptive offloading -managing location and other context information -QoS management -resource management -energy-aware network management -management issues in heterogeneous networks -policies for vertical handoff -load balancing -service discovery -managing distributed commuting in mobile environments -intrusion detection in wireless and mobile networks
The structure of this workshop will encourage discussions and foster future collaborations. Attendance will be limited to 50 participants. Authors should submit 4-page position papers to hanan@csd.uwo.ca in PDF format. Selected papers will be available on the workshop website (no transfer of copyright).
Important Dates
Submission deadline: February 15, 2005 Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2005 Final paper due: April 15, 2005
participants (1)
Frank Strauß