-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: ACF-Members: DSOM 2006 Datum: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:50:24 -0000 (GMT) Von: Declan O'Sullivan declan.osullivan@cs.tcd.ie Antwort an: declan.osullivan@cs.tcd.ie An: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | *17th IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems: Operations and Management* | | www.manweek2006.org/dsom | | | | *Large scale network and service management* | | ============================================ | | | | Held as part of Manweek 2006 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | www.manweek2006.org | | | | _Herbert Park Hotel, Dublin, Ireland_ | | _October 23rd - October 25th 2006_ | | | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ |*Programme | | |Committee Chairs* | | | |CALL FOR PAPERS | |Dr. Sven van der |--------------- | |Meer, | | |Waterford | | |Institute of |The seventeenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on | |Technology (WIT), |Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM | |Waterford, Ireland|2006) will be held October 23-25, 2006 in Dublin, | | |Ireland. The workshop is sponsored by the | |Dr. Radu State |International Federation for Information Processing | |INRIA-LORIA, |(IFIP) Working Group 6.6 on Management of Networks | |France |and Distributed Systems with technical | | |co-sponsorship by the IEEE Communications Society, | |Declan O'Sullivan |Technical Committee on Network Operations and | |Trinity College |Management (CNOM). | |Dublin (TCD), | | |Dublin, Ireland | | | | | | |This is the second time that DSOM will be co-located | |*Technical |with four other events in order to strengthen the | |Programme |links between our respective communities. These | |Committee* |co-located conferences are the 9th International | | |Conference on Management of Multimedia and Mobile | |Ehab Al-Shaer, |Networks and Services (MMNS 2006), the 6th Workshop | |DePaul University,|on IP Operations and Management (IPOM 2006), the 1st | |Chicago, USA |International Workshop on Modelling Autonomic | | |Communication Environments (MACE 2006) and the | |Aidan Boran, Bell |International Workshop on Autonomic Grid Networking | |Labs Ireland |and Management (AGNM 2006). | | | | |Raouf Boutaba, | | |University of | | |Waterloo, Canada |*SCOPE OF THE DSOM WORKSHOP* | | | | |Nevil Brownlee, |The major theme of the DSOM 2006 workshop is the | |University of |management of large scale systems. Such systems are | |Auckland, CAIDA, |becoming a reality, including such systems as: large | |New Zealand |sensor networks, server farms, distributed content | | |provider networks, IP and telecommunications | |Marcus Brunner, |networks. Scalability issues and their impact on the | |NEC Europe, |management plane are common among all such | |Germany |infrastructures, and the existing management | | |approaches are largely inadequate for emerging large | |Mark Burgess, |scale and complex systems. | |University College| | |Oslo, Norway |The ambitious goal of DSOM 2006 is to facilitate the | | |sharing of a first research vision on scalable | |Omar Cherkaoui, |network management paradigms for large scale service | |University of |and network infrastructures. Rethinking network and | |Quebec at |service management from a scalability perspective | |Montreal, Canada |and redefining what management paradigms and | | |approaches are adequate, are the main challenges of | |Alexander Clemm, |DSOM 2006. | |Cisco, California,| | |USA |Research papers addressing scalable network and | | |service management techniques for large scale | |Luca Deri, |management are particularly encouraged for | |ntop.org, Italy |submission at DSOM 2006. | | | | |Gabi Dreo Rodosek,|Topics of interest include but are not limited to: | |University of | | |Federal Armed |· Self-management and self-configuration for large | |Forces, Germany | scale systems | | | | |Olivier Festor, |· Management of large sensor networks and ad-hoc | |LORIA-INRIA, | networks | |France | | | |· Scalability in network management | |Alex Galis, | | |University College|· Management of large scale pervasive and | |London, UK | intelligent spaces | | | | |Kurt Geihs, |· P2P approaches for scalable network management | |University Kassel,| | |Germany |· CBN approaches for scalable management | | | | |Yacine |· Managing security in large networks | |Ghamri-Doudane, | | |IEE, France |· Policy based management | | | | |Lisandro Z. |· Management of next generation service networks | |Granville, Federal| | |University of Rio |· Management VoIP infrastructures and services | |Grande do Sul, | | |Brazil |· Management of Home Networks | | | | |Heinz-Gerd |· Control Theoretic Management Approaches | |Hegering, Institut| | |für Informatik der|· Distributed and Decentralized Management | |LMU, Germany | | | |· Performance and QoS Management | |Joseph L | | |Hellerstein, IBM |· Fault Management and Fault Tolerance | |T.J. Watson | | |Research Center, |· Network and security Monitoring, | |USA | | | |· Event, and Fault Handling | |James Hong, | | |POSTECH, Korea |· Configuration, Accounting, Billing | | | | |Cynthia Hood, |· Management Architectures, Information Models | |Illinois Institute| | |of Technology, USA|· Semantic Web techniques for management | | | | |Gabriel Jakobson, |· Standardized Frameworks and Models | |Altusys | | |Corporation, USA |· Implementation, Instrumentation | | | | |Brendan Jennings, |· Information Models for Large Scale Management | |WIT, Ireland | | | |*PAPER SUBMISSION* | |Alexander Keller, | | |IBM T.J. Watson |Paper submissions must present original, unpublished | |Research Center, |research or experiences. Late-breaking advances and | |USA |work-in-progress reports from ongoing research are | | |also encouraged to be submitted to DSOM 2006. Papers | |Dave Lewis, TCD, |under review elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted to DSOM | |Ireland |2006. Authors are requested to submit either long | | |papers or short papers (work-in-progress reports), | |Hong Li, Intel |strictly in LNCS format (see below): | | | | |Antonio Liotta, |· Long papers (up to 12 single-spaced single-column | |University of | pages) | |Essex, UK | | | |· Short papers describing work-in-progress (up to 4 | |Emil Lupu, | pages) | |Imperial College | | |London, UK |Submissions exceeding the above mentioned paper size | | |will not be reviewed and returned to the authors. | |Hanan Lutfiyya, |Papers must be submitted online in PDF format via | |University of |the "Paper Submission" link that can be found on the | |Western Ontario, |DSOM 2006 web page. | |Canada | | | | | |J.P. | | |Martin-Flatin, | | |University of | | |Quebec at |*PROCEEDINGS* | |Montreal, Canada | | | |The DSOM 2006 proceedings will be published in | |Saverio Niccolini,|Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science | |NEC Research Lab, |(LNCS) series. For more information regarding | |Germany |manuscript format please visit the author's | | |instruction links at LNCS: | |Jose M. Nogueira, | | |Federal University|www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ | |of Minas Gerais, | | |Brazil | | | | | |George Pavlou, |The best papers of DSOM will also get a chance to be | |University of |published as an extended version in a special | |Surrey, UK |edition of the IEEE eTransactions on Network and | | |Service Management - eTNSM: | |Aiko Pras, | | |University of |www.comsoc.org/etnsm | |Twente, The | | |Netherlands | | | | | |Juergen Quittek, | | |NEC Europe, | | |Germany |*LOCATION* | | | | |Danny Raz, |The workshop will be held in the Herbert Park Hotel, | |Technion, Israel |which is located in Ballsbridge in the south of | | |Dublin, Ireland. The hotel is overlooking the | |Akhil Sahai, HP |beautiful Herbert Park and is, with 15 minutes walk | |Laboratories, USA |to Trinity College and Grafton street, located close | | |to the Dublin city centre. Bus and tram (DART) | |Juergen |stations are in walking distance (e.g. from | |Schoenwaelder, |Landsdowne Road Rugby stadium) and the hotel is | |University Bremen,|served by Aircoach and taxis for easy access from | |Germany |and to Dublin Airport. | | | | |Joan Serrat, | | |University | | |Barcelona, Spain | | | | | |Adarshpal Sethi, |*IMPORTANT DEADLINES* | |University of | | |Delaware, USA |Submission: May 5th 2006 | | | | |Rolf Stadler, KTH,|Notification: July 7th 2006 | |Sweden | | | |Camera ready: August 2nd 2006 | |Burkhard Stiller, | | |ETH Zurich, |Workshop: October 23rd-25th 2006 | |Switzerland | | | | | |John Strassner, | | |Motorola Labs, USA| | | | | |John Vicente, | | |Intel, USA | | | | | |Vincent P. Wade, | | |TCD, Ireland | | | | | |Felix Wu, | | |Univeristy of | | |California at | | |Davis, USA | | | | | |Makoto Yoshida, | | |The University of | | |Tokyo, Japan | | | | | +------------------+-----+------------------------+-----------------------+ | IEEE ComSoc | IFIP TC6 | WIT/TSSG | +------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+
participants (1)
Lars Wolf