Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: EnHaNSS 2012, Workshop on Energy-Harvesting Networked Sensing Systems (colocated with INSS 2012)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: EnHaNSS 2012, Workshop on Energy-Harvesting Networked Sensing Systems (colocated with INSS 2012) Datum: Fri, 03 Feb 2012 15:37:23 +0100 Von: Christian Renner christian.renner@tu-harburg.de An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]
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The First International Workshop on Algorithms and Concepts for Networked Sensing Systems Powered by Energy Harvesters EnHaNSS 2012 To be held in conjunction with INSS 2012 June 11th, 2012, Antwerp, Belgium http://www.ti5.tu-harburg.de/events/enhanss2012
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IMPORTANT DATES -------------------------------------------- Submission deadline: April 2, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 23, 2012 Camera-ready paper due: April 30, 2012 Workshop date: June 11, 2012 --------------------------------------------
To prolong the life time of battery-powered computing systems, low-power components and protocols have been proposed. However, a battery-powered system has a finite operation time. Power supplies using energy- harvesting devices apparently open the door to unlimited and uninterrupted operation. This requires a dedicated power management that predicts available power budgets and aims at maximizing performance metrics for a given budget. Power management encompasses many facets, such as power leakage, radio duty cycle, sampling rates, harvesting efficiency, energy intake prediction, etc.
The focus of this workshop is to provide a platform for discussing intermediate research results and for vivid exchange of ideas. It is also intended to identify required steps and promising future research directions within scope in order to push the penetration power of energy-harvesting sensor networks one step forward. For that purpose, we particularly enencourage preliminary contributions by Ph.D. students in addition to completed work. In addition to paper presentations, there will be a poster and demo session.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Power management concepts for energy harvesting systems - Power-aware scheduling, algorithms, and operating systems - Network-wide and distributed energy management - Energy-aware network planning (e.g., routing, duty-cycle adaptation) - Scaling laws and fundamental limits - Energy and performance profiling - Online accounting of energy consumption - Energy-harvesting prototypes - Energy storage and buffers - Models of energy harvesters - Methods for energy intake prediction - Real-world deployments and field tests
Workshop Organizers: - Christian Renner (Hamburg University of Technology) - Volker Turau (Hamburg University of Technology) - Christoph Weyer (Hamburg University of Technology)
Technical Program Committee: - Mustafa Imran Ali (University of Southampton) - Davide Brunelli (University of Trento) - Hannes Frey (University of Paderborn) - Maria Gorlatova (Columbia University, New York) - Anton Hergenröder (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) - Philipp Hurni (University of Bern) - Daniele Puccinelli (University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland) - Christian Renner (Hamburg University of Technology) - Kay Römer (University of Lübeck) - Ivan Stojmenovic (University of Ottawa) - Khiem Trieu (Hamburg University of Technology) - Volker Turau (Hamburg University of Technology) - Christoph Weyer (Hamburg University of Technology) - Piero Zappi (University of California, San Diego) - Bo Zhang (George Mason University)
For information: enhanss2012@tu-harburg.de
participants (1)
Lars Wolf