[Fwd: ACF-Members: CFP: EvoCOMNET 2007]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: ACF-Members: CFP: EvoCOMNET 2007 Datum: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 20:05:13 +0200 Von: Di Caro Gianni gianni@idsia.ch An: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org
****** EvoComNet2007 ******
4th European Workshop on the application of Nature-inspired techniques to Telecommunication Networks and other Connected Systems
Valencia, Spain, April 11-13, 2007
--------------------------------------------- Submission deadline: 10 November 2006 Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2006 Camera ready papers: 08 January 2007 ---------------------------------------------
EvoCOMNET 2007 is the fourth European Workshop on the application of Nature-inspired techniques to networked systems, with special emphasis to telecommunication networks. EvoCOMNET 2007 is part of EVO*, that joins the Europe's premier co-located events in the field of Evolutionary Computing and Nature-inspired techniques.
The rapid advances in computing and transmission technologies are giving impetus to the large-scale deployment of interconnected systems for communication and transport of data, voice, video and resources. The global Internet, and cellular, satellite, and Wi-Fi networks, as well as power and logistic networks, just to mention a few remarkable examples, are at the same time ubiquitous and at the very heart of the functioning and success of modern societies. On the other hand, all these networks are increasingly heterogeneous, complex, and dynamic, such as they present a number of challenging issues concerning their analysis and design, management and control, robustness and security.
Biological systems show a number of properties, such as self-organization, adaptivity, scalability, robustness, autonomy, locality of interactions, distribution, which are highly desirable to deal with the growing complexity of current and future networks. Therefore, in recent years a growing number of effective solutions for problems related to networked systems have been proposed by taking inspiration from the observation of natural systems and processes such as natural selection, insect societies, immune systems, cultural systems, collective behaviors of groups of animals/cells, etc.
The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum to present the cutting edge research on Nature-inspired approaches to network-related problems. The workshop sought to provide a deep insight into the effective potentialities of Nature-inspired design to tackle the numerous problems arising in networked systems, and, in particular, in modern telecommunication networks.
------------------------------------ Areas of Interests and Contributions ------------------------------------
EvoCOMNET 2007 solicits contributions dealing with the application of ideas from natural processes and systems to the solution of problems of practical and/or theoretical interests in all domains related to the analysis, design, control, management, protection, and testing of network systems. All systems based on a physical network structure and/or on an abstract network model are of interest for the workshop. The scope of the workshop emphasizes the following domains:
* Communication systems: telecommunications; mobile, satellite, optical, and voice communications; personal communication systems; switching and routing; transmission systems; access systems; communication systems simulation; station and antenna design; information and speech processing; intrusion detection; error control coding; compression and cryptography; propagation and channel modelling; protocol design; etc.
* Networks: networks and graph problems; unconstrained and constrained network design problems; network flows; network and computer security; Internet problems; electrical, power, and data networks; computer networks; location and link design; reliability and failure; corporate network design; location placement; network physical and software architecture; network hardware and software technologies; operations, maintenance, and management; signalling and control; active networks; network services and applications; etc.
* Wireless networks: mesh networks; mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs); peer to peer mobile networks; sensor area networks; GSM/GPRS networks; energy efficient and techniques and QoS for MANETs and sensor area networks; real world implementations; network services and applications in wireless mobile networks; security in wireless networks; hybrid networks; intelligent mobile agents for network control and management; RFID based systems; robotic networks; etc.
* Connected systems: network problems in non-technical environments; manufacturing, distribution and logistics networks; supply and disposal networks; inter-personal communication; communication analysis; inter-organisational communication; supply chains; information networks; etc.
* Formal methods and techniques: formal techniques and methods to model the behavior and working of above-mentioned systems.
- Particularly welcomed are submissions contributing with:
* Applications of Nature-inspired techniques (e.g. Evolutionary Computation, Ant Algorithms, Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Immune Systems, Cultural Algorithms, etc.) to novel network-related problems
* Definition of novel Nature-inspired techniques and/or general frameworks specifically addressing network challenges
* Detailed comparative studies of Nature-inspired solutions versus more classical/established techniques
* Analytical studies of the behavior and working of the proposed solutions
* Real-world implementations
* Studies based on real-world data sets
* Live demonstrations of algorithm behavior
-------------------- Submission procedure --------------------
High quality papers are sought on the topics related to the focus of the workshop, ranging from theoretical work to innovative applications.
Submitted papers must be a maximum of TEN A4 pages long and must conform to Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science format for multi-author proceedings. Please download the LNCS package for proceedings directly from the Springer web site.
The reviewing process is DOUBLE BLIND. Authors should remove their names from submitted papers, and avoid statements and references that would identify the authors.
Papers must be submitted using the conference management software. Please follow the instructions on the web site
----------- Publication -----------
All the peer-reviewed papers accepted in the EVO* workshops will be published in the volume "Applications of Evolutionary Computing" in Springer's LNCS series.
We will also consider the possibility to arrange a journal special issue with the best papers submitted.
--------------- Important Dates ---------------
Submission deadline: 10 November 2006 (deadline extended!) Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2006 Camera ready papers: 8 January 2007 Events: 11-13 April 2007
---------------- Workshop Chairs ----------------
Muddassar Farooq Informatik III 44221 Dortmund Germany muddassar.farooq@udo.edu
Gianni Di Caro IDSIA Galleria 2 6928 Manno-Lugano Switzerland gianni@idsia.ch
-------------------------- Workshop Program Committee --------------------------
Payman ARABSHAHI - University of Washington (USA) Eric BONABEAU - Icosystem Corp. (USA) Frederick DUCATELLE - IDSIA, Lugano (Switzerland) Luca M. GAMBARDELLA - IDSIA, Lugano (Switzerland) Jin-Kao HAO - University of Angers (France) Marc HEISSENBUETTEL - Swisscom Mobile Ltd. (Switzerland) Malcolm I. HEYWOOD - Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada) Nur ZINCIR-HEYWOOD - Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada) Bryant JULSTROM - St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud (USA) Vittorio MANIEZZO - University of Bologna (Italy) Alcherio MARTINOLI - EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland) Jose' Luis MARZO - University of Girona (Spain) Ronaldo MENEZES - Florida Tech., Melbourne (USA) Roberto MONTEMANNI - IDSIA (Switzerland) Martin ROTH - Deutsche Telekom Ltd., Berlin (Germany) Leon ROTHKRANTZ - Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) Chien-Chung SHEN - University of Delaware, Newark (USA) Kwang M. SIM - Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong) Mark C. SINCLAIR - Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) George D. SMITH - University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK) Christian TSCHUDIN - University of Basel (Switzerland) Tony WHITE - Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada) Yong XU - University of Birmingham (UK) Lidia YAMAMOTO - University of Basel (Switzerland) Franco ZAMBONELLI - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia (Italy)
+++++++++ posted to acf-members by "Di Caro Gianni" gianni@idsia.ch +++++++++
participants (1)
Lars Wolf