Fwd: [LCN 2021 - Doctoral track] - submission deadline approaching: 46th annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [LCN 2021 - Doctoral track] - submission deadline approaching: 46th annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks Datum: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 13:28:04 +0200 Von: publicity@ieeelcn.org An: tccc-announce@computer.org
A new track in support of graduate student’s research Call for Papers Doctoral Track of the 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN 2021) Virtually Hosted in Edmonton, Canada, October 4-7, 2021 http://www.ieeelcn.org
Announcement: Due to the current global COVID-19 situation, LCN 2021 will be held fully online.
Scope: The goal of the Doctoral Track is to engage graduate students, especially Ph.D. students, that work in the general area of networking to actively participate and contribute to the 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN 2021). The Doctoral Track provides a supportive setting for graduate students to interact closely with established researchers in the field; receive feedback on their research and get advice on managing their research for entering the job market. The Doctoral Track will also help participants to establish a network with their peers in selected areas of computer networks.
The scope of the Doctoral Track of IEEE LCN 2021 includes topics related to theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking. The main author on the submission should be a doctoral student.
The Doctoral track includes two streams: Full papers, and promising ideas. The full papers have an 8 pages limit, and should address novel contributions to the field. The promising-ideas track encourages submissions that present a novel idea, even if still in the budding phase, aimed at garnering feedback from the research community. This track is limited to 4 page submissions.
Doctoral students are encouraged to consider the maturity and development of their work in selecting either of these tracks. All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE LCN 2021 proceedings.
Papers must be registered on EDAS and submitted in PDF format. Detailed submission instructions are available at the conference website.
IEEE LCN 2021 Important Dates Paper submission: Jun 20, 2021 Acceptance Notification: July 4, 2021 Final paper submission : July 22, 2021
Contact: Direct your questions to the conference chairs: * General Chair: Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se * Program Chair: Lyes Khoukhi lyes.khoukhi@ensicaen.fr * Program co-chair: Sharief Oteafy soteafy@depaul.edu * Symposium Chair: Florian Tschorsch florian.tschorsch@tu-berlin.de
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf