Third IEEE Workshop on Telecom Standards - From Research to Standards (@Globecom 2014)

================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS
3rd IEEE Workshop on Telecommunication Standards: "From Research to Standards" Part of IEEE Globecom Dec. 8-12, 2014, Austin, Texas, USA
The workshop's BEST PAPERS will be recommended for publication at the IEEE Communications Magazine's supplement on Communications Standards. Recommended papers have to follow the submission guidelines of IEEE Communications Magazine.
The emergence of nearly-ubiquitous mobile broadband connectivity is revolutionizing the way people live, work, interact, and socialize. Telecommunications are at the heart of this social revolution and have been attracting ever-increasing attention from researchers in both academia and industry. Although both communities have been making outstanding contributions to communications, frequently, one of these communities is unaware of the capacities, expertise, and challenges faced by the other.
Standards are keys for the success of the communications industry, as enablers of global systems inter-operability. Moreover, since standardization is inherently a social body, it is a perfect environment for promoting technologies that will evolve an increasingly information oriented society. Building on the success of the previous editions of the workshop, the goal of this event is to close the gap between researchers, scientists, and standards experts from both academia and industry, and to promote standardization as an imperative vehicle for global consensus and cooperation among the key players, especially on the development of next-generation mobile communications systems (5G). An additional goal is to assemble experts from different standardization bodies, providing opportunities for a closer understanding and collaboration, catalyzing development of more interoperable standards, as well as more efficient and effective communication systems.
The workshop will be organized in Austin, Texas, as part of IEEE Globecom 2014. The workshop will deliver high quality technical as well as visionary papers, which will be reviewed and selected by an international technical program committee (TPC) representing both academia and industry, with a strong standardization background. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, enhancements to existing systems and communication protocols developed by standards bodies such as ITU-T, IEEE, IETF, 3GPP, TISPAN, ETSI, OMA, Broadband Forum, oneM2M, among others. Visionary papers on hot topics, such as Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure, Software Defined Networks and Services, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and other works in progress being currently discussed by the standardization bodies are also welcome.
All submissions are required to comply with Globecom’s guidelines. Initial submissions for review are limited to seven (7) pages. Camera-ready papers should not exceed six (6) pages including figures without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with over length page charge). Each accepted paper must be presented at the workshop by one of the co-authors. Only timely submissions through EDAS will be accepted for review. Accepted papers will appear in IEEE Xplore. For more details, please visit the official website of the workshop (
Important Dates for Paper Submission: - Submission Deadline: July 15, 2014 - Acceptance Notification: September 01, 2014 - Camera-Ready Submission: October 01, 2014
- Workshop Day: December 08, 2014
Workshop General Chair: - Dr. Tarik Taleb, NEC Europe, Germany
Panel and Keynotes Co-Chairs: - Dr. David Soldani, Huawei European Research Centre (ERC), Germany - Dr. Anass Benjebbour, NTT DoCoMo, Japan
TPC Co-Chairs: - Dr. Adlen Ksentini, INRIA/Univ. of Rennes, France - Dr. Amitav Mukherjee, Hitachi America Ltd. USA - Mr. Athul Prasad, NEC Europe, Germany - Dr. JaeSeung Song, Sejong Uni., Korea - Dr. Tuncer Baykas, Tohoku Uni., Japan
Standards Relevant EU Projects Co-Chairs: - Prof. Luis M. Correia, IST – University of Lisbon, Portugal - Prof. Matti Latva-aho,University of Oulu, Finland
Publicity Co-Chairs: - Dr. Alexander D. Gelman, IEEE ComSoc and NETovations, USA - Dr. Adel Al-Hezmi, Fraunhofer Fokus, Germany - Dr. SM Hasan, GE Global Research, USA - Dr. Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece
participants (1)
Periklis Chatzimisios