[Fwd: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE supplemental posting (MobiSys CFPs)]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE supplemental posting (MobiSys CFPs) Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 12:59:58 -0800 From: Geoff Voelker voelker@CS.UCSD.EDU Reply-To: Geoff Voelker voelker@CS.UCSD.EDU To: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE@ACM.ORG
Please note: o There are 3 (yes, three!) CFP in this email message. o MobiSys will have two workshops this year!! o Workshop on Novel Applications Based on Mobile-Embedded Systems o Submission deadline: March 12th o CFP below o Workshop on Context-Awareness o Submission deadline: March 5th o CFP below o MobiSys poster/demos/video o Submission deadline: March 5th o CFP below
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: MobiSys 2004 Workshop on Applications of Mobile Embedded Systems (WAMES)
Hyatt Harborside in Boston, Massachusetts, USA June 6, 2004
IMPORTANT DATES Workshop Submissions: March 12, 2004 Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2004 Final version of abstracts due: May 15, 2004
The relentless development of wireless technology paves the way to novel applications, based on sensor networks or wireless systems. This workshop aims at bringing together specialists of application areas along with researchers of mobile computing and networking. A first goal of the workshop is to exchange information about the most promising upcoming applications. A second goal is to identify the research challenges raised by these applications.
The topics covered by the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Environmental monitoring, including pollution, wildlife, water, etc. - Smart factories, supply chains, retail systems (including those based on RFID) - Intelligent Transportation Systems, automotive applications - Aerospace applications - Mobile systems for disabled or elderly people - Smart buildings, smart homes
The ideal submission should describe an existing or a potential application; it should also discuss the technical challenges raised by this application, with an emphasis on those related to mobile computing and networking. Please feel free to contact the workshop co-chairs Jean-Pierre.Hubaux@epfl.ch and Mani Srivastava (mbs@ee.ucla.edu) to determine appropriateness.
A submission should contain at most 3 pages and be typed in at least font 10, with reasonable margins; both US letter and A4 formats are eligible; the document must be a pdf or a ps. There will be no published proceedings. The accepted contributions will be presented during the workshop in a talk of 25 minutes each + 5 minutes for questions; the final version of the abstract will be posted on the Web site of the workshop.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. William J. Kaiser, UCLA
Program Committee (will be completed): Matthias Grossglauser, EPFL Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL (co-chair) Ed Knightly, Rice University Derek McAuley, Intel Research Kurt Rothermel, Univ. of Stuttgart Mani Srivastava, UCLA (co-chair) Adam Wolisz, University of Berlin
Organization co-chairs: Aman Kansal (kansal@ee.ucla.edu) Jun Luo (Jun.Luo@epfl.ch)
CALL FOR PAPERS: MobiSys 2004 Workshop on Context Awareness
Hyatt Harborside in Boston, Massachusetts, USA June 6, 2004
IMPORTANT DATES Workshop Submissions: March 5, 2004 Notification of acceptance: April 16, 2004 Final papers due: May 7, 2004 Accepted papers available online: May 14, 2004
The MobiSys 2004 Workshop on Context Awareness seeks to present innovative, signficant research in the area of context-aware computing. This will be a one-day workshop, featuring refereed paper presentations and breakout sessions. To facilitate significant discussion, the number of attendees will be limited and attendees are expected to have read the workshop papers prior to the workshop. The workshop particularly values the practical experience gained from designing, building, and using context-aware computing systems, applications, and services.
The conferenc addresses broad systems issues in context-aware computing. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: o Design, implementation, and evaluation of context-aware applications o Middleware and service architectures supporting context-aware applications o Data management and representation of context information o Security and privacy of context-aware systems and applications o Resource discovery of context data sources o Algorithms and techniques for making inferences about context information o Novel sources of context information o Experience with context-aware systems The ideal submission should present novel, on-going research that has resulted in the implementation or evaluation of running systems. Please feel free to contact the Workshop Chairs at mobisys_ctxtwksp@intel-research.net to determine appropriateness.
We invite submissions of 4-6 single-spaced 8.5" x 11" pages is PDF format, including everything, two-column format, using 10-point type. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness. Submissions should be received no later than midnight EST on March 5, 2004. Please check the web for submission instructions. There will be no published proceedings, but the papers will be available on-line prior to the workshop.
Workshop Co-Chairs: Anind K. Dey, Intel Research Berkeley Maria R. Ebling, IBM Research
The Second International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
Jointly sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE and The USENIX Association In cooperation with ACM SIGOPS
Hyatt Harborside in Boston, Massachusetts, USA June 6-9, 2004
IMPORTANT DATES Poster, Demo, Video Proposal: March 5, 2004
MobiSys 2004 seeks to present innovative, significant research in the area of mobile systems. This will be a 2.5-day conference, featuring refereed paper presentations, tutorials, demos, videos, and poster sessions. This conference builds on the success of the first MobiSys conference held in San Francisco, http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2003/, which featured 23 high caliber research papers and many interesting posters and demonstrations. The conference particularly values the practical experience gained from designing, building and using mobile systems, applications, and services.
The conference addresses broad systems issues in mobile computing. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile systems * Middleware and service architectures for mobile applications * Data management for mobile applications * Disconnected and weakly connected operation * Proxies and data adaptation * Mobile agents * Operating systems for small devices * Infrastructure support for mobility * Security, privacy, authorization, and billing * System-level energy management for mobile devices * Wearable and handheld devices in the context of system design * Personal mobility * Personal-area networks and systems * Resource discovery of mobile services * Systems for location awareness and determination * Application interfaces and services supporting the mobile user * Systems support for mobile robots * Experience with mobile systems
Do you have interesting work you would like to share, or a cool idea that is not ready to be published? Poster sessions are for you! Poster sessions, scheduled during the technical sessions, introduce new or ongoing work.
Additionally, this year MobiSys welcomes Demos and Videos of working systems and applications. Are you working on a large project which involves several systems working in concert to define a nomadic computing environment? Shoot a Video of your working system and present it at MobiSys. We promise fantastic publicity in the mobile systems community!
The MobiSys audience will provide valuable feedback and discussion. We are particularly interested in presentation of student work. To submit a poster, demo, or video, please consult the conference web site for instructions. Proposals should be received by March 5, 2004.
Poster/Video/Demo Chair: Umar Saif, MIT
General Co-Chairs: Guruduth S. Banavar, IBM Research Willy Zwaenepoel, EPFL
Steering Committee Chair: Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research
Program Co-Chairs: Doug Terry, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Roy Want, Intel Research
Program Committee: Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology Mary Baker, HP Labs Hari Balakrishnan, MIT Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington Eyal de Lara, University of Toronto W. Keith Edwards, Palo Alto Research Center Carla Schlatter Ellis, Duke University Deborah Estrin, UCLA Armando Fox, Stanford University Michael Franklin, UC Berkeley Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University Mik Lamming. HP Labs Brian Noble, University of Michigan Nuno PreguiƧa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Jun Rekimoto, Sony Computer Science Laboratories M. Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University and Intel Research Pittsburgh Leendert van Doorn, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Zheng Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia
Treasurer: Manuel Roman, DoCoMo Labs
Publicity Co-Chairs: Maria R. Ebling, IBM Research Matthias Grossglauser, EPFL
participants (1)
Lars Wolf