[Fwd: ACM Multimedia 2003: Paper submission deadline extended to Apr 14.]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: ACM Multimedia 2003: Paper submission deadline extended to Apr 14. Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 03:36:38 -0500 (EST) From: ACM Multimedia Committeeacm-mm@dnrc.bell-labs.com
ACM Multimedia 2003 Berkeley, CA, USA November 2-8, 2003
The paper submission deadline for Multimedia 2003 has been extended one week until April 14th, 11:59PM Eastern Time (EDT).
!! Submission details can be found at: !! http://www.acm.org/sigmm/mm2003/
For questions, please contact the General Co-Chairs: Larry Rowe, Univ of California, Berkeley, rowe@bmrc.berkeley.edu Harrick Vin, Univ of Texas, Austin, vin@cs.utexas.edu
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The ACM Multimedia 2003 Organizing Committee
participants (1)
Lars Wolf